Period of restoration


Greetings to the world of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank God for His support and help in labor in His field.

I am very grateful to God, and to you brothers and sisters, for the help provided to my family during this difficult time for us, when such trials overtook my family. But we praise God and thank Him for these trials. Thank God that the children survived further We believe and know that the Lord will take care of us.

The churches from our mission PIEI Ukraine also helped us, both financially and prayerfully. Thank God that He does not leave us in trouble but fulfills our needs through His Living Church!

Now I spend more time on restoring the health of my children, and on my health. I got a little bronchitis and should also be treated. Thank God I'm better. And Adela, our daughter, should be taken back to the hospital for an ear surgery. As I wrote to you in previous reports, her ear was sutured incorrectly after that accident and now doctors must correct their mistake. But we must take Adela to a good specialist so that they can do this operation normally. Pray for Adela and for Inga.

Pray that the Lord will give me health too, so that I can help my family. Thank God that there is my wife Nadia who helps me in everything, as well as sons and daughters (those who are healthy).

There is also good news. Thank you for praying for Katerina, a girl who repented to our Christian camp in August in Boyan. Now her mother allows her to attend our meetings. She is so happy that she can come, without any obstruction, to our and youth’s meetings. We pray and further about her and her family, so that all repent and have such joy.

May the Lord bless you, our dear brothers and sisters. Continue to pray for our family. And we pray for you. With love, your brother in the Lord Pascar Alex.