God`s grace in our family


The world of God, dear brothers and sisters, is our partner in working in the field of God from the USA!


First of all, I want to thank the Lord and all the brothers and sisters who were next to my family this month that the Lord tested my family. I thank everyone for your prayers and the help provided to my family, especially my children who suffered in this accident. Now, thank God, everything is behind, and treatment and rehabilitation are ahead. Next week they will remove the plaster from the hands of Emanuela (our granddaughter) and Lilia (our youngest daughter). And Inga and Adela have to lie a lot more to get broken ribs, and Inga has ribs and the spine . Adeles poorly sutured ear and after r rehabilitation should already have an ear surgery by a neurosurgeon. My wife and Nadia praise God that all children survived after such a terrible accident. This is the most important thing. This is a miracle of God. Glory to Him. Another thanks to God that another grandson was born with us. Our daughter-in-law gave birth to Tanya safely, although the first one got out of the car during the accident. A healthy boy was born and they called him Caleb. May God bless him to grow up healthy, a believer and strong like Caleb from the book of Joshua. Continue to pray for us. We hope only for God and His mercy, glory Him for everything!

2. Bakery refraction and visits to patients:

I made bread-breaks in the church and also made mini-evangelism at 3 of our sick sisters at home. There I preached and comforted the sick. They were very grateful to God for visiting them and remembering together the suffering and death of Jesus Christ through the Bread-breaking.

Our church also collected money donations for one family whose house burned down where they lived. We also pray for this family.

I write about me that every day, this month, with my son David, I visited our children in the hospital in Chernivtsi. Now they are all already at home, but we still need to help them a lot while everyone restores.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray for my family and further, especially for Inga and Adela. May God give us and Nadia strength and health so that we can be with our children and help them.

-Pray for the war to end in Ukraine.

May the Lord bless you brothers and sisters and give you a hundredfold blessings! Accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, your brother in Christ is Alex Pascar.