Lord saved my family from bodily death


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

I thank the Lord for His mercy and His love that He showed to me this month.

1. With God's help, I, at the beginning of the month, visited the sick with refraction bread where I comforted them and prayed with them. Then he visited a church in the village of Malinovka, where they conducted an evangelism with a group from the church of Banilov. They came with a brass band and praised the Lord with singing. The orchestra played very beautifully. The Word of God was preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. There were also rehabilitants from the Center from Robin. We pray for these people that God will free us from alcohol addiction.

2. Thanks to the Lord:


-October 12, the Lord saved my family from bodily death — Glory to Him. My children went to meet young people in the forest where they were to meet in nature. And on the road, on the highway, they got into a car accident. The bus driver Chernivtsi-Kharkov could not cope with the ride and hit our bus in the back. Bus turned over 4 times away from the track. Our son David was driving, along with Inga, his wife, three children, Tanya-wife of our son Slavik, our daughters (Adela and Lilia), son Joseph, and Vasily, a guy from our youth. (7 adults and 3 children ). They all flew out of the car through the windows of the bus. Little 4-month-old Olivia could not be found for a long time. But the Lord saved them all - Glory to Him for this miracle! And little Olivia is quite healthy. It is true that David Inga's wife and our daughter Adela are injured very seriously. They must lie on their backs for a very long time. Lily was discharged already home. It’s easier for her to lie at home. Her hand is still in plaster. Emanuela is also the eldest daughter of David with a hand in a cast. Everything is fine with the rest. Everyone now lives in our house and my wife and I help them as best we can. Every day, the second week, we go to the hospital, now to Adela and Inga. I thank everyone who prays for my children and for us. Thank you for all the help you gave us. May the Lord return with all blessings a hundredfold.


3. Prayer needs:

- Pray further for Inga and Adela. They are most injured. Inga’s spine is injured and 2 ribs are broken, while Adela’s 3 ribs are broken, has a couple of cracks in the throat bone, and her right ear is sutured. Pray for Lily and for Emanella. To successfully handle began after the cast. Pray for us too that the Lord will give us health, so that we can look after our children and grandchildren. Pray for Tanya, our daughter-in-law. She is already in the 9th month of pregnancy. To have a healthy baby and Tanya to be healthy. After such an accident that she survived, thank God that everything is good and successful, only a couple of abrasions on her legs.


-Pray that we can visit the women's boarding house for patients in Petrachanka and the male boarding house for patients in the village of Cheresh. The church has already collected various kinds of help, but in connection with this case what happened in our family did not go to them yet. Young people are already gathering, and if the Lord helps us, we will soon be visiting these people who so need our help.

Our family sends a warm greetings to all. May the Lord bless you richly.

With love to you, Pastor Missionary Pascar Alex.