Harvest festival in Dinivtsi


The world of God, dear brothers and sisters, our partners in work on the Field of God, from the USA.

-In the beginning of the month of September, the Lord blessed me to conduct the ministry of bread breaking in our church and in the homes of the three sick sisters. Praise God that His Word was heard in these houses and the Word was also heard by unbelieving relatives of these sisters. We pray for them so that the Spirit of God works in these hearts.

2. Church Visits:

- September 22, together with his family, visited 2 churches: Koshulyani and Dranitsa. In Koshuliani, the Word preached and my children had a chant program for the Glory of the Lord. After lunch we were in Dranitsa, where the church celebrated the Harvest festival in the center of the village. One brother from Bulgaria preached there. We also invited this brother to come to our church when we conduct evangelism.

3. Harvest festival in Dinivtsi:

On September 29-29, together with our church from Dinovtsi, we celebrated the Harvest 2019 holiday. Everyone participated actively in this holiday, from small to great. We arranged a beautiful food decoration in the center of the prayer hall, brought all the many products, and we offered thanksgiving prayers before God for His blessings. Children and youth had a good program to praise the Lord. We had many guests in the house of prayer, among them was the school principal and teacher, they were a rather childish program and the sincerity of the children. We pray for these guests so that the word is sown in their souls.

4. A visit to the nursing home:


We brought all the products that we collected for the Harvest festival to the boarding house for patients, which is located 40 km from Chernivtsi, in the village of Cheresh. 165 patients live there and 60 of them are bedridden invalids. When we arrived there, we saw that they needed help, not only grocery, but clothing, chemistry, diapers, warm socks, shoes, and on the second day we brought them these necessary things. The administration greatly thanked for such help, and we told them that the Lord takes care of the sick through the Church of Christ.

5. Thanks:

I thank you for your financial help and prayers, through which we can serve in the field of God.

6.Prayer of need:

Continue to pray for Katerina, who repented at the Boyan camp, her mother still does not allow her to come to our meeting, and she suffers from this very much.

Pray for our principal who attended our meeting so that the Lord could reach his heart.

Pray for me that the Lord will give me health, strength, wisdom and patience, to do His work.

Sincerely, Pascar Alex.