Social assistance


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God that He helped me this month, works on His Field.

1.Bread refraction:

-At the beginning of the month I visited two patients at home and with them, remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the refraction of bread. Patients are very happy that they can take part in Holy Communion every month together with our church. We pray for their children so that they will know Jesus Christ as the Savior.

2. Evangelism through social assistance:


-This month, our church collected donations for a large family with a house burned down. This village is located near us Sankivtsi, Khotinsky district. Our whole brotherhood helped them acquire a new home and now they are helping them with clothes and groceries. We pray for this family so that they accept Christ in their hearts as personal Savior.


3. Lessons with baptism candidates:

- I continue to conduct classes with 4 candidates who want to accept baptism this summer. Pray for them.


-I thank God for hearing your and our prayers. Adeline’s operation was successful, Praise the Lord! She is already better and is restored with God's help.

-I thank God for Inga, for our daughter-in-law, that she is already getting up and can walk. Our daughter Lily is much better, she helps us a lot in everything and also helps those who are sitting with children. Thank God.

Thank you for your financial help and support in prayers.


5. Prayer needs:

-Pray further for my family, that the Lord will give health to all. My wife, Nadia, became ill, I must take her to the hospital for examination. She can’t lower her blood pressure in any way. Pray for the Lord to tell us through the doctors how to be treated.

-Pray further for our David, that the Lord will restore justice in court. They accuse him of being guilty of an accident. But we believe that the Lord is stronger than all deceivers and unjust people.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

Accept greetings from my family and may the Lord bless you richly!

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.