Lectures with young people


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, from the USA with the Peace of God!

Thank God that He helped me and this month is working on His Field.

1. Lectures with young people - candidates for baptism:

I thank God that He helped me conduct lectures for young people, candidates for the baptism that will be held this summer. There are 4 young people so far, but we hope that those who wish to be baptized will respond.

2. Social:

Our church raised money for one family from the village of Vikno from the Zastavnitsky District. Their house burned down and we helped this family.

We also help the family of Katerina (a girl who repented in a camp in Boyan). They need help and we help the parents of Katerina. We are glad that Katerina’s parents also let their other children into our church. We pray further for this family so that the Lord will encourage everyone to repent. We are happy for Katerina that she is so zealous and goes to studying the Word of God and to youth meetings. May the Lord bless her and strengthen her faith.

3. Another sister had a funeral, her name was Any. There were more than 100 people who heard the Word of God. We pray that the Lord bless His Word, so that more people will receive Jesus Christ into their hearts.

4. Thanks:

Thank you for being with us in a difficult time for us. On January 28, our daughter Adela was operated on. Thank you for your prayers. Thank God, the operation was successful, and on Tuesday, February 4, she was discharged from the hospital.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray further on my family. Now they must get a resolution from the court regarding the accident that we had in October. Those Kharkov bus drivers Chernivtsi paid well to traffic inspectors and now blame our son David, as if he were to blame for this accident. Although there were many witnesses in court, they proved David's innocence. Pray for justice to triumph.

-Pray for holding daytime Christian camps in our village and for holding a camp for our mission from June 27 to August 1.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for the repentance of our village Dinivtsi.

- That the Lord give me health. Pray that the Lord bless the hands of the surgeons who will perform the operation to brother Pavel Petihachny and also for the rehabilitation period after the operation.

May the Lord bless you and your families. Please accept my heartfelt greetings and thanks from my family. With love, your brother in Christ is Pascar Alex.