A week of prayer


God's peace brothers and sisters from the USA!

By the grace of the Lord, these festive weeks also passed, where we with our church organized good evangelizations so that all people would hear about Christ the Savior.

1. Evangelism:

At the beginning of this year, we organized a week of meetings, every day we gathered: to pray for Ukraine, for the work of God in Ukraine and that the Lord strengthen us, believers in His work with His help.

We also did 2 evangelisms in our church in connection with the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on January 7th. Children and youth had a good prepared program and are glad that people from our village came to these evangelizations. We pray for them that the Spirit of God will work on them. And also young people went home with a carol, 2 pm. January 6 went to the village of Forosna, and January 7 to the village of Dynivtsi. People joyfully accepted us, and we announced to them the good news of the birth of the Messiah. We pray for these people.

2.Bread refraction:

At the beginning of the month they made bread-making, Holy Communion, where they remembered the suffering and death of Christ, this is the first communion this year. He also visited three patients at home, where they prayed together and recalled the suffering and death of Jesus through the breaking of bread. Patients are very glad that they have holy communion with the church and praise God.


Thank you, together with your family, for not forgetting us and praying for us. We thank you for the gifts that you received from you on Christmas Day, for medicines that were very useful to us, for sweets that our grandchildren really like, and we, as well as for such good things. It was a great joy for us. May God bless you all and reward you a hundredfold.

4. Prayer needs:

-Keep on praying for my family. Inga, our daughter-in-law, is still weak. She gets out of bed a little but gets tired very quickly. But thank God for that too. Pray for my daughter Adela. She will have an ear surgery in late January or early February. Pray that everything is under the control of the Lord.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for us, missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission, that the Lord will give us health so that we can work on His Field.

Thank you again for all that you do for us missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission. Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ is Alexa Pascari.