USA Medical Team

We are grateful to God for this wonderful medical team. Besides providing quality medical services, we also had the opportunity to share the Gospel with some of the patients. Several hundred people have benefited from this ministry in Nenciulești, Alexandria, Măldăeni, and Mavrodin. Even the mayors of two of the localities offered their support for these works by providing the community center halls and personally came to thank our brothers from the United States.

May God reward their dedication and sacrifice! We have been encouraged by their love and the work they have done among us.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Valentine's Day - speaking to high school students

I saved my first kiss for my wedding day at the altar - August 2, 2009 (at the age of 29). And that was by the kindness and mercy of God. (It is not my merit. And for me, Jesus Christ died for the sinners.) I understood how important adolescence and youth are - that short period in life with a colossal impact for the entire life and for eternity. I was delighted to encourage students from Logos High School in Bucharest to fight for their purity and freedom; through the Holy Spirit, they can remain pure and free. Even those who have lost their purity and freedom can find them again in Christ Jesus through the renewal done by the Holy Spirit.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Meeting for Families

Both in February and April, we had the joy of collaborating with fellow workers from Măldăeni and Roșiori to organize two conferences for families. We thank God for the workers He has placed around us. A family of workers from "Choose Life" delivered lectures for us, bringing encouragement and shedding more light on the inevitable challenges that any family faces. We enjoyed a time of encouragement and beautiful fellowship with brothers and sisters in the Lord from several localities in our area.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Blessed and Grateful

Although the churches in which I serve are not large in the number of believers and are not located in large cities or tourist regions, we were pleased to be visited by a mission team from the United States.

At the end of June, seven people from Grace Point Church of Henderson, Kentucky arrived in Alexandria. For a week in difficult heat with a team of Romanian workers we were involved in evangelism in the street, and in visiting and organizing two VBS in two locations every day (Nenciulești and Alexandria).

On Friday evening one of the young guests had a nice message of encouragement at the youth meeting in Teleorman. We also had a special evangelization day on the street in Alexandria where nearly 20 workers joined.

I greatly appreciated the seriousness and dedication of the guest brothers in the work they did. I was also pleased to observe the simplicity of the teaching and the message that brother Alex Messamore always brought to our church.

We are grateful to brother Eric Faninn and the Grace Point Church for their sacrifice and beneficial involvement for the Nenciulesti churches and localities as well as Alexandria. God bless you, reward you and, if it is His will, let us continue this beautiful collaboration. (Those who want to know more about our work, please access Facebook: Way of Lord Alexandria and/or Church of Grace Nenciulești)

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

An Effective Tool

A new number of the Evangelical Path of the Lord is the 15th newspaper. 

After years of using this newspaper in evangelical work, I am pleased that it remains an effective tool. It is still one of the best ways not only to connect with the unsaved but to leave them the information necessary to find the way to salvation.

In one of the pictures you can see a beautiful mission team. They are brothers from the local church, fellow missionaries, guests from Bucharest as well as a team of brothers from Grace Point Church (Kentucky). In almost 4-5 hours not only were about 1000 newspapers distributed but we also had the opportunity to interact and tell the gospel to many unsaved people. Saturday seems to have been a good day for evangelism work on the streets. Many people can be met on walks, in parks and markets. Two days after this paper, as I was walking through a park looking to tell someone the gospel. I saw a lady with a newspaper in her hand. I approached her with the aim of giving her our evangelical newspaper as well. I was surprised to discover that, in fact, that newspaper in her hand was our newspaper, the Path of the Lord. She told me her father brought it home two days ago.

I was encouraged to hear these things, but also by the fact that, in my discussion with her, she proved to me that she had read the newspaper. She told me the new things she had learned from reading it.

We pray that the Spirit of the Lord prepares the hearts of men to read and receive the message of the Gospel through this newspaper.

In contrast to the past years when we were able to print 10,000 copies of the newspaper. At this time due to the price, we were able to print only 5,000 newspapers.

Thank God for all those who sponsored this newspaper. In this way, I also thank brother Jenu Stef, member of PIE Romania, for his financial support at this time so we can have this good and useful evangelism tool.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

The Seed of the Gospel

Sadness greeted me first this morning. Today I went once more with my missionary brothers to evangelize in the street. We were on our way to the place where we were supposed to do evangelism, and in the opposite direction a large car was passing. The car flung a rock and hit the windshield of the car I am getting ready to sell…

As a way to talk to people I often use an evangelical newspaper. I participate in both the preparation of articles as well as the techno editing and printing. What made me smile was the fact that a gentleman confused me with a great man of God who died decades ago. After I gave him the newspaper and went away some distance, he cried out to me: “Sir, are you Traian Dorz?" On the last page of the paper was a poem written by Traian Dorz, who was a famous mid-century Christian poet in Romania. If only I could at least be Traian Dorz's apprentice!

For my work on the newspaper I had to go into Town Hall. One man at the office looked down on me when he found out I wasn't Orthodox. As I was leaving town hall, I met two other gentlemen who apparently worked there. I offered them the newspaper and told them that I helped publish it. One of them said, ”I guarantee you didn't make it.” So I took out my I.D, showed them my name, and told them that if they called the number in the paper, the phone in my pocket would ring. They were surprised, and both accepted the paper. I think it's time to prepare to print a new issue of the Path of God newspaper.

Our old stock is almost exhausted. The newspaper remains one of the most effective tools in evangelizing because of the ease with which we can get in touch with people and for its diverse and rich teaching content. For those who wish to financially support the publication of the next issue of the Path of the Lord please contact me privately! Let the Spirit of the Lord grow the seed of the gospel which was sown this day.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Persistence in the Work

It's good to start a work but more importantly to persist in the work. Sometimes it is not difficult to start a work but to persevere in the work, is harder because it requires dedication, effort and more sacrifice. I thank God for my wife, Emanuela, and for Florina Darvell and for Rebecca.

Through God's mercy continue the work when there are more children and when there are fewer, and when there are prizes and when there are ordinary days. May the Lord Jesus give power and blessing to those who serve! May the Spirit of the Lord bring life and spiritual birth in the hearts of children! For more information please watch Facebook: Grace Church

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Fresh Start

Due to these precarious economic times, young families are leaving villages in search of a better living. Villages are aging, and so are rural churches. 

We took leadership of the church in Nenciulești in March 2021. There were about 25 elderly people and no children. Through the grace of God, the Cojan family from Cahul-Republica Moldova visited us during the summer. Together we were able to do an extraordinary work among the children of Nenciuleşti. However, since October the responsibility to continue remains on our shoulders. Thank God He has sent us help! Thank you to Sister Florina who joins us from 37.25 miles away each week. Along with my wife, Emmanuela, and young Rebeca they started regular meetings with children within the Harul Church.

We thank the Lord for taking care of the needs of this work. We thank our co-laborers, too. We pray that this work is done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Only He can change and fulfill the needs of children; only the Holy Spirit can give them salvation through the Lord Jesus!

For more details visit Facebook: Biserica Harul Nenciulești

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Blessed Fellowship

On October 15th we enjoyed the visit of the Stef family. The presence of sister Gabriela Stef has given us the long-awaited opportunity for a meeting of the sisters. The desire of the sisters for fellowship was so strong that they gathered in a fairly nice number and some of them came from a long distance, from a nearby village. The sisters in the host church were involved in baking homemade cakes and one of the sisters ordered pizza for everyone present. The sisters also rejoiced for the spiritual nourishment received from the Word through sister Gabriela who, despite her health problems, made this effort to be with us. They were also pleasantly surprised by the letters of personal encouragement they later receive by mail from sister Gabriela. 

Praise the Lord for the beauty of the fellowship that His church can enjoy through the Holy Spirit!

Mihai Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Jesus is our Pride

Evangelization on the street in Mărunței

Even though there is a great shortage of workers, we are not alone. We thank God even for the few collaborators. We periodically visit and collaborate in evangelism on the street. This time it was our turn to go to Mărunței to sister Florina Darvel.

We thank God for the opportunity to preach the gospel, for the people who took the time to listen to it, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will produce in them a new birth!

Outside the walls - Jesus Christ is our pride

I confess that the celebration of the Month of Pride here in Romania made me dare to go out in public and be proud of our Lord. They are not ashamed of their sin, shall we be ashamed of our God?

I made a written request to the Alexandria City Hall asking for permission to sing Christian songs in public places. I indicated three locations and the time intervals between which I expected to be able to be there. Thus, every Wednesday after the service and Sunday evening after the service we were in the Central Park of Alexandria where we praised the Name of the Lord. We had oppositions and complaints at the beginning. The local police asked me to give account for what we were doing, but later, when they saw that we had approval, they left us alone.

I thank God that I had the opportunity to be a witness and even to preach the gospel to people who were initially opponents.

Also, during this period I tried to take advantage of the fair in Mavrodin, near Nenciulești where on Sunday morning there is an important zonal fair. Thus on Sunday morning for all of July and a part of August from 7:30 AM we sang at the exit of the fair.  In this way many people would hear the message of the songs.

This work had a good impact for the people of Nenciulești as many were able to see me and talk about "the shepherd of repentant people who has gone mad".

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Precious Family

By the grace of God between August 9-13 we were able to organize VBS for children in two different localities: Alexandria and Nenciulești.


We do not know how, but God made a brother from Cahul (Republic of Moldova) to cling to us so that, with sacrifice and joy and for more than 6 years he has helped us in working with children in Teleorman County. He is a brother with a special gift for working with children. He serves with his whole family.

I must admit that I, as a pastor, was also caught and surprised by the way he presents the Gospel to children. This time, the gospel message was presented based on the Bible story of Jonah. Thank God for this precious family given to the work of the Lord!

We thank the Lord for the financial support provided by the PIE Romania Organization as well as by the brothers and sisters from the two churches ( Alexandria and Nenciulești). We thank the Lord for all the children who participated and pray that the Lord's hand will be upon them for salvation.

Now we have in mind the continuation of this work, and we pray that the Lord will bring workers to His harvest.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Let the little children come to Me...

So precious are children to our Lord Jesus!  It was a great opportunity for us to celebrate June 1st, Children’s Day, with kids in our church and their friends who do not usually attend church who came for this special event. 

We spent a wonderful time having fun playing together, singing, learning a Bible verse, and learning about Mary, Martha and Lazarus, three siblings who loved each other and loved Jesus.

Sisters from our church prepared cakes and fruits for the kids as we celebrated together. 

We continue to pray for their hearts to be saved!

For such a time as this...

This was the title of the women’s meeting for Women’s Day.  It was an opportunity to come together and encourage each other. It was so special coming after a time of lockdown when we couldn’t meet at all. 

We discussed Esther and how the sovereign God is still in control. We emphasized that He created us even for such a time as this pandemic. We had food prepared, and we created some perfumes to remind us that we are a sweet perfume of Christ to the women with whom we interact daily.

During this pandemic we missed many regular meetings. So this opportunity was like a breath of fresh air.

To God be the glory!

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary

Encouraging Days

”I don't have time, but I make time to listen to you”

 A new day of evangelism on the street. Another locality (Măldăieni), but the same great joy. Every time there are emotions, fears ... there are spiritual struggles; but every time the joy is incomparably greater. During this time I had the grace to speak to many people who listened to the Gospel. But some people seemed to have been prepared by the Spirit of the Lord for this occasion. They seemed to be simply waiting for us. One could see the light in their eyes and the joy of understanding God's truth about the forgiveness of their sins.

By the grace of God, we continue our collaboration with the PIEI missionaries from Southern Romania. This time we gathered to help brother GABI CUC in the work in ”Mârșani” locality.

Although the morning was very cool, we thank God that the weather warmed quickly. People went out to work in the courtyards, some of them on the streets, and so we had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and share the Gospel with them. May the Spirit of the Lord cause the sown seed to grow and bring as fruit repentance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!

In the picture you can see the team I went to evangelism on the street. For more information, please follow on Facebook CALEA DOMNULUI ALEXANDRIA  -  The way of the Lord – Alexandria

In the picture you can see the team I went to evangelism on the street. For more information, please follow on Facebook CALEA DOMNULUI ALEXANDRIA  -  The way of the Lord – Alexandria

Remember this story…

It was Saturday morning. The weather was sunny. Many were busy in their yards and some of them even apologized for not having time to listen to us. But I approached a woman. She had on work gloves. It was obvious she was busy, but when we asked her if she had time to talk to her about God and the forgiveness of sins, she replied, “I don't have time, but I will make time to listen to you.”

 Mihail Geabou, PIEI - Romania Missionary

The Same Need: More Workers for the Harvest

At the beginning of March in the grace of God, I was invited to serve another church. This is my third church. I've also been offered a fourth church, but I had to refuse for lack of time and my commitments to the other three. It's well known that one of the temptations of spiritual servants is to neglect their family.

This third church in Nenciulești is located 7-9+ miles from Alexandria and has approximately 30 members. Unfortunately most of them are elderly, and there is only one man who can serve in the pulpit. The church's financial resources are also limited without jobs in the area. Most young people go to big cities where they can find work.

Despite these shortcomings and disadvantages, as long as there are children, young people and unrepentant adults in the locality, we know that the Lord can bring salvation into their souls and draw them to Himself. We have already had three funerals in two weeks, and with them the opportunity to spread the gospel to many souls. We are already rejoicing that four teenagers are coming to church meetings.

Continue to pray with us that the Lord will bring workers for His harvest. Many spiritual servants died in the pandemic. In theological schools the number of those who want to get involved in the ministry decreases from year to year. The need in the field for the Gospel is growing. May the Lord bring servants to His harvest and here in Nenciulești! (More information: Facebook Harul Nenciulești Baptist Church)

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Missionary


Street Evangelism in Beciu

Some time ago, the PIE missionaries from the Southern part of Romania decided to work together on the mission field. Therefore, we made up our minds to gather together on certain days and help each other doing street evangelism in  each of our mission areas.

A few days ago, we went to Beciu. We split into teams and from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. we walked in the streets, called at the gates of people and shared the Gospel with those who accepted our invitation.

Unfortunately, we also found two men who said they had no sin. But all the others rejoiced when we shared the Gospel with them. There were tears in their eyes as God was searching their hearts. We sang and prayed for them, for their souls and for their families.

Walking from door to door, not being aware of this, I also had the opportunity to reach the house of the Orthodox priest. Although in the beginning he was reluctant, after more than half an hour of discussions, he received our evangelistic newspaper and we parted on good terms. 

But Satan worked as well. He wanted to trouble us  when one person from our team, accidentally, hit another car which was behind. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we also used this unpleasant event to share the Gospel with the young man whose car was hit. We told him about our Lord Jesus, we gave him some booklets, we prayed for him and, of course, we paid for the damages.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will work at the hearts of those who received the Gospel. May He give us boldness, wisdom and diligence to continue this good initiative!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Answered prayer: a fellow-worker on the mission field

The more I work on the mission field, the more I feel our Lord Jesus’ heart when He sent his disciples two by two. He knew it would be better for us.

Some time ago, I prayed that the Lord would send laborers into His harvest. God answered my prayer and sent me a fellow for the ministry in Potcoava- Justin Schnaider, a missionary from the USA who married a young lady from our church and who knows Romanian very well. I am so grateful that he is a real born-again Christian, he holds fast to the teachings of the Scripture and he is so willing to be involved in street evangelism!

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He helps me with preaching in the church, we visit people together sharing the Gospel with the non-believers. We experience God’s grace when we let the Spirit of the Lord guide us.

I am so thankful to the Lord for Justin and Dana. We pray that our collaboration would be fruitful both for our personal growth and also for the blessing of the Church and for the winning of other souls for Christ for the glory of God.

I am still praying for other laborers at “The Way of the Lord” church in Alexandria.

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Youth meetings during pandemic

The pandemic was and still is a difficult period for the Christian mission. Our mission means connecting with people and during the pandemic that is forbidden.

There were fears and worries, but praise the Lord, we understand that the Gospel cannot be kept on lockdown. Moreover, the pandemic not only strengthens our faith, but also offers us new opportunities to get closer to people.

Meanwhile, we are so thankful to the Lord that we restarted our Evangelistic youth meetings, with several adjustments, fewer participants and with social distancing. 

At our group we are so glad we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with young people who do not attend an evangelical church.

We pray for them to be born again. And for us we pray to be more like our Lord Jesus Christ!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Another Way of Saying: I Care About You

Being in touch with the mission department of Drăgănești Olt churchcwas and is a blessing for us in Teleorman county (the southwest region of Romania). We also saw how important is to be a part of an organized mission department.

I do not think that giving to somebody food is always the most important thing for them; sometimes giving does not help those who are lazy. But giving also can be helpful: this might be a way to say “I care.” Although this is might not be enough, still it might be an open door to establish a new relationship with someone. Also, due to the pandemic some people lack even elementary things like food.

We are thankful to God and thankful to those who sent these food products so that we could give to those in need.

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Gather the Sheep

This covid-19 pandemic brought new challenges for the church members and for us as spiritual leaders. The fear overwhelmed many hearts. This virus did not by-pass our homes. Tested or not, many of us had to quarantine and church meetings had to be cancelled for a certain amount of time.

We tried to keep in touch through phone and after my quarantine ended I went to visit them although the church meetings couldn’t be held. Some were still infected and they could not come out of their homes. The others who could, came out and I just talked with them, encouraged them and prayed in the street.

There was a situation when I had to enter the house as in the family there was a person who couldn’t walk. More than any time I understood the importance of the spiritual leaders for the church. As Bible teaches, like sheep, people need to be gathered and to be encouraged, otherwise they will be scattered and weary.


We pray for God’s protection over us and, if it is His will to call us home, we might be prepared for that moment. Until then, I pray that God may give me love, courage and wisdom to be a blessing for His Church and I also pray that He will protect our family while I get in touch with many people by the nature of my calling!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary

A Better Way to Spend your Last Days on Earth

Sister Flori is one of the most faithful woman in our church. She came to know the Lord about 5 years ago, and although she has many movement problems she almost always attended our church gatherings. She suffered a lot during her lifetime; she had many surgeries. Two months ago she stumbled and fell again while she was going to a doctor’s appointment. And due to her medical history, she couldn’t walk again. Now she is laying on a bed and somebody else (a non-believer sister-in-law) takes care of her.

I visited her many times and I saw that TV was open in her room almost all the time. I said to myself and also to her that she needed to hear more of the Word of the world she would possibly be seeing soon, that is her heavenly home. I reminded her that spending time in front of the TV was not a wise and proper way to get ready.

I think that every Christian needs to encourage our old people to listen more to the words of faith, to the promises of Jesus. They must be encouraged through christian songs that speak about hope and meeting Jesus. They should listen more to sermons that help them to anticipate the joy of heaven.


In order to help her be ready to meet her Lord, I bought her a radio mp3 player with a memory stick with encouraging Christian music, testimonies and sermons to strengthen her faith.

We pray that the Lord, our Comforter, will strengthen her faith and lead her during these hard moments of physical sufferings!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary