A Precious Family

By the grace of God between August 9-13 we were able to organize VBS for children in two different localities: Alexandria and Nenciulești.


We do not know how, but God made a brother from Cahul (Republic of Moldova) to cling to us so that, with sacrifice and joy and for more than 6 years he has helped us in working with children in Teleorman County. He is a brother with a special gift for working with children. He serves with his whole family.

I must admit that I, as a pastor, was also caught and surprised by the way he presents the Gospel to children. This time, the gospel message was presented based on the Bible story of Jonah. Thank God for this precious family given to the work of the Lord!

We thank the Lord for the financial support provided by the PIE Romania Organization as well as by the brothers and sisters from the two churches ( Alexandria and Nenciulești). We thank the Lord for all the children who participated and pray that the Lord's hand will be upon them for salvation.

Now we have in mind the continuation of this work, and we pray that the Lord will bring workers to His harvest.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary