Jesus is our Pride

Evangelization on the street in Mărunței

Even though there is a great shortage of workers, we are not alone. We thank God even for the few collaborators. We periodically visit and collaborate in evangelism on the street. This time it was our turn to go to Mărunței to sister Florina Darvel.

We thank God for the opportunity to preach the gospel, for the people who took the time to listen to it, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will produce in them a new birth!

Outside the walls - Jesus Christ is our pride

I confess that the celebration of the Month of Pride here in Romania made me dare to go out in public and be proud of our Lord. They are not ashamed of their sin, shall we be ashamed of our God?

I made a written request to the Alexandria City Hall asking for permission to sing Christian songs in public places. I indicated three locations and the time intervals between which I expected to be able to be there. Thus, every Wednesday after the service and Sunday evening after the service we were in the Central Park of Alexandria where we praised the Name of the Lord. We had oppositions and complaints at the beginning. The local police asked me to give account for what we were doing, but later, when they saw that we had approval, they left us alone.

I thank God that I had the opportunity to be a witness and even to preach the gospel to people who were initially opponents.

Also, during this period I tried to take advantage of the fair in Mavrodin, near Nenciulești where on Sunday morning there is an important zonal fair. Thus on Sunday morning for all of July and a part of August from 7:30 AM we sang at the exit of the fair.  In this way many people would hear the message of the songs.

This work had a good impact for the people of Nenciulești as many were able to see me and talk about "the shepherd of repentant people who has gone mad".

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary