Blessed Fellowship

On October 15th we enjoyed the visit of the Stef family. The presence of sister Gabriela Stef has given us the long-awaited opportunity for a meeting of the sisters. The desire of the sisters for fellowship was so strong that they gathered in a fairly nice number and some of them came from a long distance, from a nearby village. The sisters in the host church were involved in baking homemade cakes and one of the sisters ordered pizza for everyone present. The sisters also rejoiced for the spiritual nourishment received from the Word through sister Gabriela who, despite her health problems, made this effort to be with us. They were also pleasantly surprised by the letters of personal encouragement they later receive by mail from sister Gabriela. 

Praise the Lord for the beauty of the fellowship that His church can enjoy through the Holy Spirit!

Mihai Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary