Let the little children come to Me...

So precious are children to our Lord Jesus!  It was a great opportunity for us to celebrate June 1st, Children’s Day, with kids in our church and their friends who do not usually attend church who came for this special event. 

We spent a wonderful time having fun playing together, singing, learning a Bible verse, and learning about Mary, Martha and Lazarus, three siblings who loved each other and loved Jesus.

Sisters from our church prepared cakes and fruits for the kids as we celebrated together. 

We continue to pray for their hearts to be saved!

For such a time as this...

This was the title of the women’s meeting for Women’s Day.  It was an opportunity to come together and encourage each other. It was so special coming after a time of lockdown when we couldn’t meet at all. 

We discussed Esther and how the sovereign God is still in control. We emphasized that He created us even for such a time as this pandemic. We had food prepared, and we created some perfumes to remind us that we are a sweet perfume of Christ to the women with whom we interact daily.

During this pandemic we missed many regular meetings. So this opportunity was like a breath of fresh air.

To God be the glory!

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary