A Better Way to Spend your Last Days on Earth

Sister Flori is one of the most faithful woman in our church. She came to know the Lord about 5 years ago, and although she has many movement problems she almost always attended our church gatherings. She suffered a lot during her lifetime; she had many surgeries. Two months ago she stumbled and fell again while she was going to a doctor’s appointment. And due to her medical history, she couldn’t walk again. Now she is laying on a bed and somebody else (a non-believer sister-in-law) takes care of her.

I visited her many times and I saw that TV was open in her room almost all the time. I said to myself and also to her that she needed to hear more of the Word of the world she would possibly be seeing soon, that is her heavenly home. I reminded her that spending time in front of the TV was not a wise and proper way to get ready.

I think that every Christian needs to encourage our old people to listen more to the words of faith, to the promises of Jesus. They must be encouraged through christian songs that speak about hope and meeting Jesus. They should listen more to sermons that help them to anticipate the joy of heaven.


In order to help her be ready to meet her Lord, I bought her a radio mp3 player with a memory stick with encouraging Christian music, testimonies and sermons to strengthen her faith.

We pray that the Lord, our Comforter, will strengthen her faith and lead her during these hard moments of physical sufferings!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary