Surprised by God's Greatness and Readiness

I have come to understand that discipleship one-on-one is one of the healthiest things for the building-up and growth of a church.

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This Monday morning, at 10 o’clock I met Timi in the park to study the Pilgrim’s Progress and to pray. After his departure, I remained alone to continue to pray. I had three important requests for the Lord: 1) to love Him more and to spend more time with Him; 2) for His plans for my life to be fulfilled every day; 3) to give me the opportunity to share the Gospel.

It was 12:30 when I arrived home to have lunch with my family. We had our kids visiting their grandparents, so the house was silent. No sooner were we finished with lunch than a Christian woman from another place- 10 km away from our town, called me. She told me that the mother of a sister from our church had died and the burial would start in 15 minutes.

To be honest, I didn’t want to go as I had other plans. Nevertheless, my wife encouraged me to go, reminding of me the Scripture: “Cry with those who cry and rejoice with those who rejoice”. I was speechless. I got ready and I left right then.

While I was driving, in my mind there rang a bell: Didn’t you ask for opportunities to share the gospel today? Didn’t I offer it to you? I was so surprised to realize how quickly and how great God answered my prayer. That afternoon I had the opportunity to share the gospel not to one person, but to tens.

I am so thankful to the Lord for His Spirit guidance as well. It was a special day of searching for the Lord both for me and for those who heard the Gospel.

Mihail Geabour, PIEI-Romania Missionary