Medical Team in Orbeasca

I am so thankful to the Lord for Soterius. Through him and through the volunteers with RAM, we had the privilege to know a team of people who were serious, dedicated to the Lord, mastering medicine and with a heart for the physical and spiritual needs of the people in Orbeasca.

It was a very hot day. I started to walk on the streets in Orbeasca in order to invite those who wanted to be seen by a medical doctor for free ( in this team there were medical doctors who worked with state hospitals in USA). Because of the heat, the people were inside (otherwise they use to stay outside, in front of their houses and chat with neighbors and passers-by). The streets were deserted and those whom I met seemed uninterested in my invitation. From time to time I called my wife to ask her if there came anyone at the tents (We do not have a church building in Orbeasca, but we could put up two tents in the sister Ioana’s yard- the only beliver in Orbeasca). There were only 1 woman and 3 kids that had the courage to come. I was so ashamed- how could I face those people who came from Bucharest and who made such an effort to come on that weather in Orbeasca to see that they have no one to consult, no one to help- these were my thoughts.

My certainty is that the Lord performed a miracle that very day: more and more people started to come, but not because I invited them but because the team was so well prepared for both consulting and the treatment they gave. This way, people who were seen by the team started to spread the news and to call their relatives and friends. I was speechless. There were more than 80 people on the list. We had to close the registration there as the medical team had to return to Bucharest.

We continue to pray for Orbeasca. May the Lord take care of their physical and spiritual needs. The list for salvation is still open. May the people come to know the glory of Jesus Christ and repent of their sins. We also pray for an evangelical church there, a church to hold up the Word of Life!

Mihail Geabou, PIEI-Romania Missionary