The Same Need: More Workers for the Harvest

At the beginning of March in the grace of God, I was invited to serve another church. This is my third church. I've also been offered a fourth church, but I had to refuse for lack of time and my commitments to the other three. It's well known that one of the temptations of spiritual servants is to neglect their family.

This third church in Nenciulești is located 7-9+ miles from Alexandria and has approximately 30 members. Unfortunately most of them are elderly, and there is only one man who can serve in the pulpit. The church's financial resources are also limited without jobs in the area. Most young people go to big cities where they can find work.

Despite these shortcomings and disadvantages, as long as there are children, young people and unrepentant adults in the locality, we know that the Lord can bring salvation into their souls and draw them to Himself. We have already had three funerals in two weeks, and with them the opportunity to spread the gospel to many souls. We are already rejoicing that four teenagers are coming to church meetings.

Continue to pray with us that the Lord will bring workers for His harvest. Many spiritual servants died in the pandemic. In theological schools the number of those who want to get involved in the ministry decreases from year to year. The need in the field for the Gospel is growing. May the Lord bring servants to His harvest and here in Nenciulești! (More information: Facebook Harul Nenciulești Baptist Church)

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Missionary
