An Effective Tool

A new number of the Evangelical Path of the Lord is the 15th newspaper. 

After years of using this newspaper in evangelical work, I am pleased that it remains an effective tool. It is still one of the best ways not only to connect with the unsaved but to leave them the information necessary to find the way to salvation.

In one of the pictures you can see a beautiful mission team. They are brothers from the local church, fellow missionaries, guests from Bucharest as well as a team of brothers from Grace Point Church (Kentucky). In almost 4-5 hours not only were about 1000 newspapers distributed but we also had the opportunity to interact and tell the gospel to many unsaved people. Saturday seems to have been a good day for evangelism work on the streets. Many people can be met on walks, in parks and markets. Two days after this paper, as I was walking through a park looking to tell someone the gospel. I saw a lady with a newspaper in her hand. I approached her with the aim of giving her our evangelical newspaper as well. I was surprised to discover that, in fact, that newspaper in her hand was our newspaper, the Path of the Lord. She told me her father brought it home two days ago.

I was encouraged to hear these things, but also by the fact that, in my discussion with her, she proved to me that she had read the newspaper. She told me the new things she had learned from reading it.

We pray that the Spirit of the Lord prepares the hearts of men to read and receive the message of the Gospel through this newspaper.

In contrast to the past years when we were able to print 10,000 copies of the newspaper. At this time due to the price, we were able to print only 5,000 newspapers.

Thank God for all those who sponsored this newspaper. In this way, I also thank brother Jenu Stef, member of PIE Romania, for his financial support at this time so we can have this good and useful evangelism tool.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Romania Missionary