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Preparations for the camp

We greet you, brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to the Lord for His protection during this difficult time of war in Ukraine. When children and adults, mothers and children die from the arrival of enemy missiles in Ukraine. But it is the grace of God that there were no missile attacks in our region. And we were in Kyiv and Dnepropetrovsk this week. In Kyiv, more than 30 children and adults ended up in a children's hospital and died, and more than 150 people were injured. There were children left without mothers and parents without children. This is terrible, but it is real here in Ukraine. Continue to pray fervently for Ukraine so that there will be no such terrible missile attacks on us.

1. Preparations for the camp:

-We are missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission, we are grateful to God for helping us organize a Christian youth camp, Non Stop, in Boyany, where about 150 teenagers will rest.

-We prayed and fasted for a team of people to come from the USA who would serve in this camp, and at the same time some of these people would serve non-believing people in our villages, proclaiming the Word of God to those people who will receive glasses from Dr. Debbie Conry from the USA.

-Brothers and sisters from the USA responded and they, led by brother Cornel Stef, president of the PIEI America mission, will come to us on Saturday July 20, and immediately on July 21 they will go to churches to proclaim the Word of God, and from July 22 our non stop camp begins, Boian, where we will locate our American team where David Beckwith will teach one group of teenagers. The other 4 from this team will go to villages and evangelism, where nurse Debby Conry will test people's eyesight and give them glasses. Also others from the US team, brother Cornel Stef and the Philbrook Stanley and Kristen family, will be consultants for these people evangelizing Gospel to these people. Also, our missionary brothers will help the team from the USA in this ministry. The US team will consist of 5 people. We pray for them.

2.Meeting of leaders.

-This week we had a meeting with the leaders who will serve in our camp. We all planned together how best to organize the camp and what ministry each leader was responsible for.

-The worship group is preparing psalms that will be sung in the camp. Almost every evening they gather to rehearse the psalms that will be sung at the camp for the worship program.


-We are very grateful to the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. Thanks to you, we were able to organize this wonderful camp here in Ukraine and in this wonderful place in Boyany.

-Thank you for taking on the sponsorship of this camp, because it would be unrealistic for us to pay such an amount.

-Thank you to the team from the USA of 5 people who come to us to serve God in our region. May the Lord return a hundredfold blessing to you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for a team of 5 people from the USA who are coming to us in Ukraine to serve the Gospel in our region. So that they can get to us safely. So that the Lord gives them health and His protection during their stay with us, as well as when they leave for the USA, so that they get home safely.

-Pray that there will be no arrivals of enemy missiles in our region during the stay of the team from the USA and during the Christian camp. We believe in the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Our electricity are turned off very often now. Pray that during the service of the camp and the team from the USA, that the lights will not be turned off, so that we can work fruitfully in God’s Field.

-So that the Lord protects every teenager from the camp, every leader, teachers, translators, and us camp organizers. We believe in the power of prayer. We believe that the Lord will bless this ministry.

-Also pray for the repentance of children and teenagers who will be in the camp. They will study the Word of God, and the Word of God that is sown does not return without the fruit of repentance. Pray for us and for the Word planted in the hearts of these children. Thank God for everything!

-Pray for the team from the USA who will work in the villages of Dinivtsi, Rokitne, Tarasavtsi, Kotilevo, Novoselitsa and Boyany. Pray for our translators that the Lord will give them health and wisdom in translating our brothers and sisters from the USA.

And we pray for you, our dear ones, that the Lord will bless you all abundantly.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARYSA.

Ordination of a deacon

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

I am very grateful to God for helping me perform the ministry that God commissioned me to do in the power of the Holy Spirit. Although we have been at war in our country for more than 850 days, and every day and night a siren sounds, announcing the arrival of enemy missiles, but thank God there have been no missiles in our region yet and we can calmly serve God here among the displaced, both among children with camps, and in our churches encouraging our church members with the Word from Scripture.

1.Ordination of a deacon

-I participated, together with the regional pastor, brother Manoliy Vasilyevich, at the ordination of a deacon (brother Victor) in the church of the village of Mamalyga, and due to the fact that on this day they celebrated the holiday of the descent of the Holy Spirit, I preached about the descent of the Holy Spirit and the formation of the first Church.

-Also after lunch, on this day, I visited a church from the village of Koshulyany and spoke a short sermon there.

-I visited other small churches that needed encouragement and support.

2. This month we will diligently prepare for the Christian youth camp in Boyany, we were looking for leaders, began to gather to prepare for the camp, and distributed invitations to teenagers throughout the Novoseletsky district. We gather with the leaders, plan a program for the camp, and pray that the Lord will help us in this responsible ministry.

Thank God that we found leaders who will engage in sports. We were worried that we would not find it, but the Lord prompted two brothers to serve this purpose. We pray for them and for all our leaders who will serve in this camp, in Boyany.


-We thank God and the mission of PIEI America, which helps us to minister among refugees, the sick and the poor. We do all this together with ministers from the regional office of the ECB.

-We thank God for the protection in our region and we can calmly serve here where the Lord placed us in service.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this senseless war in Ukraine will end.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy missiles in our region, so that we can calmly serve the people.

-Pray for our camp in Boyany, so that God will bless us and our ministry, so that the Lord will protect us from the arrival of bombs and missiles, so that there will be a peaceful sky.

-For the Lord to bless the team that will come from the USA to Ukraine during our camp. To protect and guard our brothers and sisters under the command of Brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI Mission.

-Pray also for our missionaries from the PIEI UKR mission. May the Lord bless and protect us from all evil.

We are very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for Ukraine, for your material support, which helps us here to serve people who are in difficult life situations.

And we pray for you, our dear partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May God richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVEL & LARYSA.


I am grateful to God that He saved us this month, and we were able to work in God’s Field, with those people who did not know Jesus as their personal Savior.

Thank God for His protection and protection in this difficult time of war for us. Thank God for the fact that there were no enemy missiles arriving in our area,

although in other regions of Ukraine there was a lot of bombing and there were many casualties after that. We hope in God, because only He can stop this bloody war.


-This month, in the church in the village of Podvirne, Sister Maria Grikalovska, who recently repented, received water baptism. We all went to the Podvirnya church in the village of Belovtsy, and there, at that church, she was baptized along with other candidates for baptism.

-After her baptism, she was very glad that she was finally able to make a covenant with Jesus Christ. Pray for Sister Mary so that she can always serve God zealously, so that her love for Jesus will never fade away, but will serve Him until her death.

2.Bible lessons:

-This month I finished working on the textbook “Spiritual Gifts”, from which lessons are taught in two churches: in the church in the village of Nesvoi, and in the church “Source of Life”. I am very glad that students are eagerly studying these spiritual lessons.

3.Preparation for the camp:

-I have already prepared all 100 invitations to distribute to teenagers who want to come to our camp from June 22 to 27 in Boyany.

I compiled a program for the camp, how it should be held, who, when and where the leaders should organize lessons for the teachers who will come to us. We all pray for the team that will come from the USA, so that they come safely to Ukraine, to us.


Conducted one large evangelization in the church of the village of Nesvoya, Chernivtsi region. At this evangelization, the youth choir of our church sang and I preached the Word of God. We are glad that non-believers also come to our church and listen carefully to the Word of God. I talked to these people and they said that they like to attend our church and they like to listen to the Word of God, which is explained so clearly to people. We pray for these people so that they will repent.


-We are grateful to you for your prayers and for your financial assistance, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. This helps us organize a Christian camp, which is scheduled from July 22 to 27. We can also help our refugees who live among us.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this bloody war in Ukraine will end. Only God can help us with this.

-Pray for the missiles to stop flying into Ukraine. So that there will continue to be peaceful skies in our region.

-So that it will be peaceful and calm during our Christian camp from July 22 to 27.

-So that the Lord will protect and protect the team from the USA that will come to us in Ukraine during our camp.

-May the Lord bless this camp, teachers, leaders, children and us organizers. We really want the sown seed of the Word of God to bear much fruit of repentance among the teenagers who will be in our camp. This is why we try to serve God and sow the Word of God among children every summer. May God help us in this service for God.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord reward you with a hundredfold blessing!

Greetings from my family. We love you and are praying for you!

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel & Larysa family.

Spiritual lessons

Greetings brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank the Lord for helping us spread the gospel this month among widows and orphans, among immigrants and among the needy. Although we now live in the context of war and every day there is disappointing news from the front. But we, the children of God, all hope and trust in our Lord. He is our Deliverer and Savior. In Him is our victory and peace.

1. I glorify God for the fact that He gives us the opportunity and everything necessary so that we, the PIEI Ukraine mission, can help widows with children by bringing them social food packages, and also share the Word of God with them and pray for them so that the Lord will help them in this difficult time.


-I visited the dental clinic and had a spiritual conversation with all the doctors and told how I, Pavel, also wanted to study to become a doctor in my youth, but due to the fact that I believed in My Savior Jesus Christ, I was expelled from the institute. They listened to me very carefully and at the end of this conversation I prayed for them so that they too would believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are praying for these people now.

-I visited a sick sister who was suffering greatly from her cancer. I told her about the suffering of Christ when I was on this earth, how I healed the sick who turned to Him for healing. We prayed with her for healing in the Name of Jesus Christ, and my wife Larisa fed her whole family a delicious dinner. They thanked God for this visit. We continue to pray that the Lord will heal this sister.

3.Spiritual lessons

-I am currently studying lessons from the textbook “Spiritual Gifts” and we will continue to teach them regularly until we finish all the lessons from this textbook.

-All the students liked these lessons because they were very interesting and they wanted to know more about spiritual gifts. Until now, they thought differently about these gifts of the Holy Spirit, but after studying this course they united and think the same. In the evenings they talk for a long time about Spiritual gifts and each of the students wants to know what gift they have.

4.Service in the church

-Larissa, my wife, organized a sisterhood meeting in the church in the village of Nesvoya, where all our sisters studied the Word and prayed, and also planned how to help the sick and needy from our village. We decided to help a family that really needs help. And Larisa took this help to this family. This family thanked God for hearing their prayer and for God’s answer to their prayer, Glory to God.


-We always thank God for answered prayers, for the fact that we can calmly serve those in need, for the peaceful sky in our region.

-We can do this service to the needy and preaching the Word of God among people thanks to the PIEI USA mission, which always supports us in this ministry both in its prayers and in material assistance. Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for praying for us and we were able to hold a charity event for widows and orphans this month where we were able to feed 200 orphans. Thank God for this wonderful day for these children.

-We thank God that all the missionaries of our mission were healthy and were able to serve God among people in need, among displaced people.

6.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray with us for this difficult war in Ukraine to end. We also pray for peace in the country of Israel.

-Continue to pray for our missionaries so that we can continue to serve God and preach the Word of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray for our Christian youth camp that will take place this summer in Boyany from July 22 to 27. Pray for the leadership team. We have few leaders, especially young men. There is war, and it is difficult for them to move through checkpoints. Pray for the team of brothers and sisters from the USA who will come to us during our camp. So that God protects everyone. We entrust all this ministry in the hands of our Lord. In Him is our hope and protection - All Glory to the Lord alone!

-Pray for those people to whom we preach the Word of God, so that they will repent.

-Pray that there will be no further missile attacks in our region so that we can continue to serve God calmly and peacefully.

And we pray for you dear brothers and sisters from the USA and wish you abundant blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you family Petikhachnyy Pavlo and Larysa.

Ministry for orphans

Greetings brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God and to you brothers and sisters for your prayers and for your support, for the fact that the Lord helped me during these 2 weeks to preach the Word of God both at our evangelizations in the church and in the ministry for widows and orphans - Glory to God! Although we are still at war, the Lord gives us a peaceful sky over our Chernivtsi region and we can calmly serve God here.

1.Evangelization for Easter

On May 5, our church celebrated Easter. There was a very rich worship program and the Word of God was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. The youth also had a beautiful program - Thank God! I am grateful to the Lord that 7 people from the world came to this evangelization, 5 of whom regularly attend our church. We pray for them that the Lord will touch their hearts and that they will repent.

2.Fasting and prayer for Ukraine:

On May 8, our church spent the entire day in fasting and prayer for peace and for an end to the war in Ukraine. And also all the churches from the Chernivtsi region took up the baton of fasting and prayer from the churches from the Poltava region on May 5. One week of fasting and prayer. This is almost 10 churches a day until May 12, praying and fasting before God for an end to the war. Then other churches from other regions of our Ukraine took up the baton of fasting and prayer. May the Lord hear our prayers and help us so that this war ends!

3.Service for orphans and widows.

-We thank you for praying for us and our church was able to organize a meeting for 200 orphans from the Chernivtsi region. There were many preparations for this day. Larisa’s wife and I prepared sandwiches for breakfast, sweets, tea and coffee. A group of sisters from the church brought a delicious lunch for these children to have a delicious lunch. They brought this food from the village, cooked in a special oven. Rice cooked with homemade chicken, egg salad, oven-baked pie, as well as sweets, cookies and candies, bananas and strawberries with ice cream. The kids really enjoyed it. The orphans thanked God and us for this delicious food. They also had a Bible hour for Bible study. There were games and competitions for them, and these children were very pleased with this meeting, where they felt happy all day. Thank God for good weather and Thank God for His support and for His protection on this day. We pray for these children that the Lord will bless them and touch their hearts so that they will accept Christ in their hearts.


-We thank the Lord with all our hearts for His protection, for the fact that in our region where we live calmly and peacefully, and here we can calmly serve God among immigrants and orphans and even organize evangelization, although in another part of Ukraine our brothers and sisters by faith they do not have these opportunities due to constant bombings in their cities and villages.

-We thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For the fact that you support us in your prayers, for your material help, which helps us here to serve people in need.

5.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and Israel.

-Pray for those people who listened to the gospel message this month at our evangelizations. So that the Lord tests their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for those 200 orphans who heard the Word of God, so that they would understand that Christ loves them and only in Christ will they find happiness, peace and joy.

-Pray for our soldiers who defend Ukraine, for our volunteers who go to the front line to bring them food prepared by us here in Bukovina, where there are no missile attacks. May the Lord protect them all from all evil.

-Pray for our prisoners of war so that they will be exchanged for their prisoners of war, so that they will return to their families.

-Pray for the leadership of our country, our army, that the Lord would give them wisdom to lead and that peace would finally come to our country.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy missiles in our region where we live. The Lord is our protection and support, we rely only on Him.

-Pray for our young brother ministers. I don’t know how they will move around other churches, because after May 18, a law came into force that whoever is not registered with the military registration and enlistment office will be given a large fine. So that the Lord will protect them too.

-Pray for our Christian camps that the Lord will bless us in this ministry. And for our teenage camp in Boyany from July 22 to 27.

-For the team of brothers and sisters from the USA who will come to us on July 20 to serve in our camp. For their flight and arrival in Ukraine. So that there is a peaceful sky and that the Lord protects us all from everything bad.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA from the PIEI America mission. May the Lord richly bless you with your families, your churches and your country USA! We love you and are praying for you.

With love to you family Petikhachnyy Pavlo & Larysa.

Regional meeting of ministers

We greet you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for helping me to perform service for His glory, although we are still in a difficult time of war. All believers from Ukraine are intensely praying and fasting so that the long-awaited peace will finally come to Ukraine and Israel. From May 5 to 10, our churches from the Chernivtsi region will fast and pray intensely for an end to the war in Ukraine and for peace. We rely only on the Lord and His mercy.

1. Regional meeting of ministers from churches in the Chernivtsi region.

We had a meeting of our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission on Saturday, the next day we had a regional meeting with ministers from churches in the Chernivtsi region. We met in Boyany, where we hold a Christian youth camp every summer. The speaker for this meeting was Dan Fedoreanu, a very good brother from Romania. All our ministers strengthened themselves spiritually, prayed and glorified our Lord.

2. Evangelism

-We carried out evangelization in the church of the village of Nesvoya in connection with the holiday of the Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. At this evangelization there were unbelievers who came to the house of prayer for the first time. They listened carefully to the Word of God. We pray for them that they will repent.

-Last week we carried out evangelization in the church in the village of Podvirnoe. Our worship team has prepared a good program to serve this church. After this evangelization, 3 people, non-believers, regularly visit this church and listen carefully to the Word of God. They said that they wanted to repent, but they wanted to know Jesus Christ more. May God help them. We pray for these people too.

3.Bible lessons

a) I continue to compose and teach Bible lessons on the topic: “Spiritual gifts.” We have reached the seventh lesson of this textbook. Very interesting lessons. We prayed that we could complete these lessons to the end. Students are very interested in them.

b) I have a group of young families and youth. They gather every week and study the Word of God, and also rehearse spiritual songs for the worship service for every Sunday. Our church rejoices and is grateful to God for young people who zealously serve God, and also grow spiritually by studying the Word of God.

c) In our church from Nesvoya, sisters gather every month and have their own worship to serve God. They study the Word of God, prayer ministry, and also plan how to help widows and orphans. At the last meeting, the sisters planned to organize a meeting with orphans and widows on May 18. They will feed 200 orphans, as well as widows. And our brothers, ministers and leaders, will teach them Bible lessons.

-This Thursday we had a meeting where we remembered Holy Thursday, when Jesus Christ gave His disciples bread and wine, remembering to them His suffering on the cross of Calvary. It was an evening when everyone tested their hearts and remembered the death and suffering of Christ. Also on the second day, Larisa and I visited one sister with cancer with Holy Communion. She was very happy that we did not forget her and she could glorify the Lord with us through this communion.


-We are very grateful to God for His mercy towards us, for the fact that we still have a peaceful sky and calm, and for the fact that despite the difficult time of war, people come to church to listen to the Word of God.

-We are grateful to the PIEI USA mission for helping us, missionaries from Ukraine, both financially and spiritually. Thank you for your prayers which greatly support us.

-We thank God that all our missionaries of our PIEI Ukraine mission are working and serving God with love and diligence in this difficult time.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray for those non-believers who regularly attend our meetings both in Nesvoya and Podvirnoe, so that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for evangelization with orphans on May 18th. So that the Lord bless both us ministers and those 200 orphans who will come to this meeting. So that there is a peaceful sky and there are no arrivals of enemy missiles.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine. We have been waiting for this world for so long and waiting for this day to come.

-Pray for our PIEI Ukraine mission camp, which is scheduled for the end of the month of July this year. May the Lord bless this service and may everything be peaceful and calm.

-On May 5 we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. There will be an evangelistic meeting where we again invited many friends to church. We pray that the Lord will bless this ministry.

-Pray for our captured soldiers to be released.

-Pray for our young ministers who find it difficult to travel through military posts to serve in other churches. So that the Lord would protect them from all evil.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and give you all health and success in your service to the Lord. May the Lord return you a hundredfold abundant blessings.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family.

Blessings of children

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. Christ is risen! Christ has truly risen!

I am very grateful to the Lord for His protection this month, during this period of difficult war in Ukraine. This war has been raging here for 790 days now. Missiles arrive in different cities of Ukraine, so many deaths of civilians and children. And only the mercy of the Lord protects our Bukovina region from these missile attacks - Thank God! I am grateful to God for what He has given me, this month, success in evangelism.

1.Blessings of children

-This month, 2 young families brought their babies for blessings. Roger and Sorina brought Timur's second son and the church prayed with me for the blessing of this child, and also for the Lord to bless their entire family. Youth and the church congratulated the couple on their newborn son.

On April 14, the next Sunday, the second couple, Vitaly and Esther, came to church and brought their third child, Miriam, for blessing. We prayed for Miriam's blessings and for the Lord to bless their entire family. Also the youth had a wonderful welcome and blessing program for these young families. Also, these days, our church services were visited by people - guests from the world. We pray for them that they will repent.

2.Meeting with missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission.

-We had a meeting with the missionaries of our PIEI Ukraine mission at the Emmanuel Church in Novoselitsa. These meetings inspire us all because each brother missionary gives an account of his work on his mission field of service and we learn from each other and support each other in prayer before our Lord. We also pray and thank God for our sponsors, for our evangelistic partners from the USA, who support us both spiritually and financially in serving the Lord here, in this difficult time of war for us. We also prayed that the Lord would bless us further in our missionary service. We have children’s camps in every church of our mission, as well as a teenage camp in Boyany, and we pray for them. We hope in the Lord that He will help us and we will continue to have a peaceful sky and tranquility for serving in these Christian camps. We also had a table of love with our missionaries and trusted in God's protection as we parted ways. We promised to support each other in prayers and if anyone needed help, we would help each other.


-I visited churches in the village of Balkovtsy and in the village of Podvirnoe, and also helped those in need financially with packages of food. They were very happy to receive this help. I also distributed seeds to sow their garden. And people again thanked for this good deed. Thank God for the fact that I had such an opportunity to help people who need help.

4.Church classes

-In Nesvoyskaya church I taught the book of the prophet Isaiah. This month I walked through 6 chapters of this book with the church. Everyone in our church loved this beautiful book of Isaiah.

5.Work with youth and young families

-Once a week, young families and youth gather for Bible study and also prepare a worship program for Sunday church services. We are very glad that our church is visited by new people for whom we pray that they will repent.


-We are grateful to God that He gives us spiritual and physical health and we can serve in our churches during this difficult time for us.

-We are very grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, for helping us and supporting us in your prayers.

-We are grateful to God for protecting our region from bombing and we can safely serve here where we are.

7.Prayer needs

-Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and Israel.

-Pray for us missionaries that the Lord will continue to protect us, our families and our churches from bombings, from all evil, so that we can calmly serve the Lord here in this difficult time of war for us.

-To turn back our captured soldiers who are being held captive by enemies.

-So that the Lord preserves our young brothers from all evil. Now is wartime, there are military posts everywhere, and it is difficult for young ministers to move around to serve in other churches.

-Pray for our summer Christian children's camps.

-Pray for repentance among our displaced people. They listen to the Word and receive packages of help, but so that they understand and accept the call of Jesus Christ to repentance.

-Pray for ministry among orphans. On May 18, our church will again organize a ministry for 200 orphans on Kovelskaya 25, where we will feed them all day and engage them in sports, Bible lessons and various interesting games. So that the Lord would give us a peaceful sky and good weather so that the children would rejoice all day long.

-Pray for our church evangelism on May 5th where we invited many friends to church. So that the Lord awakens these people to repentance.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine.

May the Lord bless you richly. Greetings from my family.

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel & Larisa family.

Ministry of the PIEI Ukraine mission for the first half of the year 2024

Ministry of the PIEI Ukraine mission for the first half of the year 2024.

1.Repentance and baptism:

-During the first half of 2024, in the churches of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, 12 souls repented and 7 of them received holy water baptism.

2.Theological Institute:

-Two missionaries from our mission taught students at the Theological Institute. One of them taught a lesson in Missiology, and the other brother missionary taught a lesson in Systematic Theology.

3.Service with orphans:

-At the beginning of January, we did a lot of evangelization with orphans and widows. There were about 200 orphans at this evangelization. We taught them Bible lessons and also gave each child Christmas gifts. The children were very happy to receive these gifts, because they know and expect that we, missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, will visit them every year at this time and give such gifts. They praise and glorify our Lord for His mercy and kindness to the orphans and widows and we are glad that the Name of Jesus is glorified among the orphans and widows.

-Also, these 200 orphans are waiting for their next meeting with us on May 18 at 25 Kovelska Street, Chernivtsi, where we have prepared an Easter program for them, gifts and a delicious lunch for them. We pray that the weather will be good, calm and peaceful, without the arrival of enemy missiles.

4.Work among migrants:

-One missionary brother from our mission, together with his team, volunteers from his church, once every 2 weeks they carry humanitarian aid to the cities of Ukraine that were destroyed such as Gostomel, Irpen, Borodyanka, Bucha. A Christian Church has opened in Gostomel, Kyiv region, where evangelistic meetings are held and the Word of God is proclaimed. 200-220 people gather there and listen to the Word of God, and then they receive packages of help that our brothers brought from Chernivtsi. We received all this help from the PIEI America mission & the PIEI Romania mission, and we are always grateful to God for our brothers overseas who support us and our Ukraine.

-All our other missionary brothers serve and help refugees who live among us, in the Chernivtsi region, in Bukovina.

Brother missionary from Novoselitsa works very well and widely among refugees. Organizes evangelism among them where he preaches and teaches them the Word of God. Thank God there are repentants and close ones among them.

5. Ministry among teenagers.

-In our mission there is also a brother missionary who works diligently with teenagers in the Novoseletsky district. He regularly organizes meetings for them, preaches the Word of God to them, and the leader prepares various interesting programs for these teenagers. We prepared gifts for them for Christmas; there were about 150 teenagers - thank God!

6.Service on radio broadcast Bukovina:

-In our mission PIEI UKR. there are two missionary brothers who serve and speak on Radio Bukovina. One brother missionary is responsible for these radio broadcasts and at the same time preaches on Radio Bukovina. There are very good reviews from radio listeners - thank God.

7.Service among sisters:

-In our mission there is one sister who serves among all the sisters in the Novoselitsky district. She also participates in organizing nursing conferences in our area and in regional ones. She also consults with sisters from our churches on how we can help with food for the soldiers who defend Ukraine. Our sisters help a lot in this regard. They prepare various foods for the soldiers, and the volunteers, our brothers, bring them baked bread and meat and various sweet cookies. God bless!

8.Prayer needs:

-Brothers and sisters, continue to pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-Pray for all 9 of us missionaries and for our families, that the Lord will protect us here from all evil and the blessing of the Lord will be upon us.

-Pray for the action among orphans on May 18, so that the Lord will bless these orphans, so that there will be a peaceful sky above us, so that the Lord will bless our sisters who will prepare food for these children, and most importantly, the preachers and leaders who will proclaim the Word of the Gospel among these people.

-Pray for our camp in Boyany which will be from July 22 to July 27 this summer. So that it would also be peaceful and calm and we could preach the Word among children and teenagers. So that we have a good team of leaders and teachers. We hope in the Lord and He will help us in everything.

-Continue to pray for our Chernivtsi region so that we will not continue to be attacked by enemy bombs and missiles.

-Pray for ministry among the displaced, so that more people will listen and accept Jesus Christ in their hearts.

-Pray for our missionaries so that the Lord will protect them, because we have military posts everywhere, in our villages. We are all thoroughly checked, both cars and documents. And among our missionary brothers there are also young brothers. We are also very worried about them. Pray for all of us.

We are very grateful to God and to you brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support in prayer and for your material support. We always pray for you and bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

Missiology class

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine. And once again we want to greet you on Easter: Christ is Risen! Christ has truly risen!

We are grateful to God for the fact that He still protects us and in this difficult time of war in our Ukraine, He helps us in our ministry and gives us, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, success in the gospel.

1. As I wrote in the previous report, from March 4-14 I taught at the Theological Institute, to 4th year students, a Missiology class, that is, how to evangelize non-believers. In order to engage in missionary work, first of all, we must have a devoted heart to God, so that we can love those people whom we want to evangelize and then they will accept our testimony and other Truths of God. Thank you for praying for me. Our students learned these lessons well.

2. This month I visited almost all the churches from the Novoseletsky district and distributed seeds to each member of the church so that they could sow their fields.

To get to these churches I drove through many military posts where the military checks documents and the trunk of a car. It takes a lot of patience, faith and prayer.

Even in the village of Podvirnoye, when I was going to the breaking of bread, there were 3 military checkpoints where everyone was checked. This is probably due to the fact that this village is on the border with Moldova. The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for God's servants to travel to serve God in such villages. But we pray for this village too. There are people there who are waiting for us and want to listen to the Word of God.

3. We had one funeral. We buried one sister who was a member of our church. I preached the Word of God on the subject of the afterlife. After this sermon, people came to me with questions, I was very glad that these people had such interesting questions, and after which I answered their questions, I invited them to the house of prayer, where we regularly study the Word of God. And they will be able to learn more and more about the afterlife and about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

4. In our church from Nesvoya, I taught from the book of Ephesians. All our church members studied the Word of God very diligently. We wanted to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ. What can I do to make her grow as a member of the church and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ?


-I am very grateful to God and to you brothers and sisters from the USA for your prayers and the support we have from you in this difficult time. Thank you for praying for me and my family. We feel your prayers, Thank God!

-We thank God that no missiles have yet arrived in our Chernivtsi region. And we can work in the Lord’s Field quietly and peacefully.

-We are grateful to God that many people visit the churches of our missionaries and have the opportunity to hear the Word of God. We pray for them and for their repentance.

6.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray, dear brothers and sisters, that this war will end in both Ukraine and Israel. Very difficult times have come. I really want to hear when we get up in the morning: “The war is over, thank God!” But we do not know the will of the Lord. God give us patience and we believe that only God can deliver us from this bloody war. The main thing is that we, the Church of Christ, are ready to meet our Bridegroom Jesus Christ! Rev. 22:20 - He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

-Continue to pray for our missionaries who go to serve in our churches from villages where they are surrounded by military posts. Especially our young brothers. It is very difficult for them to go to services. Pray that the Lord will protect our brothers from all evil.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy bombs and missiles in our region.

-Pray for our prisoners of war that they will be returned home.

-So that God preserves the lives of our soldiers who defend Ukraine.

-Pray for our volunteer brothers who bring food, clothing and shoes to soldiers on the front line. So that the Lord would preserve them from all misfortune.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA. And we wish you with all our hearts that the Lord bless you with health, peace, success, much joy and happiness in Christ Jesus. May the Lord richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family Pavel and Larisa.

Christ is Risen

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelization here in Ukraine, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

On behalf of our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, we congratulate you on the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Christ is Risen! Christ is truly risen!

We wish you the best blessings from our Lord: health, happiness, peace, success, wisdom from above, and much joy in Christ Jesus!

We wish the Lord to bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

We always thank the Lord for you, for your help and for your prayers for us and for Ukraine, in this difficult time of war for us.

And we always love you and pray for you. Be blessed!

With love to you all 9 missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission and our families!