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Preparations for the camp

We greet you, brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to the Lord for His protection during this difficult time of war in Ukraine. When children and adults, mothers and children die from the arrival of enemy missiles in Ukraine. But it is the grace of God that there were no missile attacks in our region. And we were in Kyiv and Dnepropetrovsk this week. In Kyiv, more than 30 children and adults ended up in a children's hospital and died, and more than 150 people were injured. There were children left without mothers and parents without children. This is terrible, but it is real here in Ukraine. Continue to pray fervently for Ukraine so that there will be no such terrible missile attacks on us.

1. Preparations for the camp:

-We are missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission, we are grateful to God for helping us organize a Christian youth camp, Non Stop, in Boyany, where about 150 teenagers will rest.

-We prayed and fasted for a team of people to come from the USA who would serve in this camp, and at the same time some of these people would serve non-believing people in our villages, proclaiming the Word of God to those people who will receive glasses from Dr. Debbie Conry from the USA.

-Brothers and sisters from the USA responded and they, led by brother Cornel Stef, president of the PIEI America mission, will come to us on Saturday July 20, and immediately on July 21 they will go to churches to proclaim the Word of God, and from July 22 our non stop camp begins, Boian, where we will locate our American team where David Beckwith will teach one group of teenagers. The other 4 from this team will go to villages and evangelism, where nurse Debby Conry will test people's eyesight and give them glasses. Also others from the US team, brother Cornel Stef and the Philbrook Stanley and Kristen family, will be consultants for these people evangelizing Gospel to these people. Also, our missionary brothers will help the team from the USA in this ministry. The US team will consist of 5 people. We pray for them.

2.Meeting of leaders.

-This week we had a meeting with the leaders who will serve in our camp. We all planned together how best to organize the camp and what ministry each leader was responsible for.

-The worship group is preparing psalms that will be sung in the camp. Almost every evening they gather to rehearse the psalms that will be sung at the camp for the worship program.


-We are very grateful to the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. Thanks to you, we were able to organize this wonderful camp here in Ukraine and in this wonderful place in Boyany.

-Thank you for taking on the sponsorship of this camp, because it would be unrealistic for us to pay such an amount.

-Thank you to the team from the USA of 5 people who come to us to serve God in our region. May the Lord return a hundredfold blessing to you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for a team of 5 people from the USA who are coming to us in Ukraine to serve the Gospel in our region. So that they can get to us safely. So that the Lord gives them health and His protection during their stay with us, as well as when they leave for the USA, so that they get home safely.

-Pray that there will be no arrivals of enemy missiles in our region during the stay of the team from the USA and during the Christian camp. We believe in the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Our electricity are turned off very often now. Pray that during the service of the camp and the team from the USA, that the lights will not be turned off, so that we can work fruitfully in God’s Field.

-So that the Lord protects every teenager from the camp, every leader, teachers, translators, and us camp organizers. We believe in the power of prayer. We believe that the Lord will bless this ministry.

-Also pray for the repentance of children and teenagers who will be in the camp. They will study the Word of God, and the Word of God that is sown does not return without the fruit of repentance. Pray for us and for the Word planted in the hearts of these children. Thank God for everything!

-Pray for the team from the USA who will work in the villages of Dinivtsi, Rokitne, Tarasavtsi, Kotilevo, Novoselitsa and Boyany. Pray for our translators that the Lord will give them health and wisdom in translating our brothers and sisters from the USA.

And we pray for you, our dear ones, that the Lord will bless you all abundantly.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARYSA.