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Ordination of a deacon

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

I am very grateful to God for helping me perform the ministry that God commissioned me to do in the power of the Holy Spirit. Although we have been at war in our country for more than 850 days, and every day and night a siren sounds, announcing the arrival of enemy missiles, but thank God there have been no missiles in our region yet and we can calmly serve God here among the displaced, both among children with camps, and in our churches encouraging our church members with the Word from Scripture.

1.Ordination of a deacon

-I participated, together with the regional pastor, brother Manoliy Vasilyevich, at the ordination of a deacon (brother Victor) in the church of the village of Mamalyga, and due to the fact that on this day they celebrated the holiday of the descent of the Holy Spirit, I preached about the descent of the Holy Spirit and the formation of the first Church.

-Also after lunch, on this day, I visited a church from the village of Koshulyany and spoke a short sermon there.

-I visited other small churches that needed encouragement and support.

2. This month we will diligently prepare for the Christian youth camp in Boyany, we were looking for leaders, began to gather to prepare for the camp, and distributed invitations to teenagers throughout the Novoseletsky district. We gather with the leaders, plan a program for the camp, and pray that the Lord will help us in this responsible ministry.

Thank God that we found leaders who will engage in sports. We were worried that we would not find it, but the Lord prompted two brothers to serve this purpose. We pray for them and for all our leaders who will serve in this camp, in Boyany.


-We thank God and the mission of PIEI America, which helps us to minister among refugees, the sick and the poor. We do all this together with ministers from the regional office of the ECB.

-We thank God for the protection in our region and we can calmly serve here where the Lord placed us in service.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this senseless war in Ukraine will end.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy missiles in our region, so that we can calmly serve the people.

-Pray for our camp in Boyany, so that God will bless us and our ministry, so that the Lord will protect us from the arrival of bombs and missiles, so that there will be a peaceful sky.

-For the Lord to bless the team that will come from the USA to Ukraine during our camp. To protect and guard our brothers and sisters under the command of Brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI Mission.

-Pray also for our missionaries from the PIEI UKR mission. May the Lord bless and protect us from all evil.

We are very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for Ukraine, for your material support, which helps us here to serve people who are in difficult life situations.

And we pray for you, our dear partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May God richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVEL & LARYSA.