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I am grateful to God that He saved us this month, and we were able to work in God’s Field, with those people who did not know Jesus as their personal Savior.

Thank God for His protection and protection in this difficult time of war for us. Thank God for the fact that there were no enemy missiles arriving in our area,

although in other regions of Ukraine there was a lot of bombing and there were many casualties after that. We hope in God, because only He can stop this bloody war.


-This month, in the church in the village of Podvirne, Sister Maria Grikalovska, who recently repented, received water baptism. We all went to the Podvirnya church in the village of Belovtsy, and there, at that church, she was baptized along with other candidates for baptism.

-After her baptism, she was very glad that she was finally able to make a covenant with Jesus Christ. Pray for Sister Mary so that she can always serve God zealously, so that her love for Jesus will never fade away, but will serve Him until her death.

2.Bible lessons:

-This month I finished working on the textbook “Spiritual Gifts”, from which lessons are taught in two churches: in the church in the village of Nesvoi, and in the church “Source of Life”. I am very glad that students are eagerly studying these spiritual lessons.

3.Preparation for the camp:

-I have already prepared all 100 invitations to distribute to teenagers who want to come to our camp from June 22 to 27 in Boyany.

I compiled a program for the camp, how it should be held, who, when and where the leaders should organize lessons for the teachers who will come to us. We all pray for the team that will come from the USA, so that they come safely to Ukraine, to us.


Conducted one large evangelization in the church of the village of Nesvoya, Chernivtsi region. At this evangelization, the youth choir of our church sang and I preached the Word of God. We are glad that non-believers also come to our church and listen carefully to the Word of God. I talked to these people and they said that they like to attend our church and they like to listen to the Word of God, which is explained so clearly to people. We pray for these people so that they will repent.


-We are grateful to you for your prayers and for your financial assistance, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. This helps us organize a Christian camp, which is scheduled from July 22 to 27. We can also help our refugees who live among us.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this bloody war in Ukraine will end. Only God can help us with this.

-Pray for the missiles to stop flying into Ukraine. So that there will continue to be peaceful skies in our region.

-So that it will be peaceful and calm during our Christian camp from July 22 to 27.

-So that the Lord will protect and protect the team from the USA that will come to us in Ukraine during our camp.

-May the Lord bless this camp, teachers, leaders, children and us organizers. We really want the sown seed of the Word of God to bear much fruit of repentance among the teenagers who will be in our camp. This is why we try to serve God and sow the Word of God among children every summer. May God help us in this service for God.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord reward you with a hundredfold blessing!

Greetings from my family. We love you and are praying for you!

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel & Larysa family.