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Spiritual lessons

Greetings brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank the Lord for helping us spread the gospel this month among widows and orphans, among immigrants and among the needy. Although we now live in the context of war and every day there is disappointing news from the front. But we, the children of God, all hope and trust in our Lord. He is our Deliverer and Savior. In Him is our victory and peace.

1. I glorify God for the fact that He gives us the opportunity and everything necessary so that we, the PIEI Ukraine mission, can help widows with children by bringing them social food packages, and also share the Word of God with them and pray for them so that the Lord will help them in this difficult time.


-I visited the dental clinic and had a spiritual conversation with all the doctors and told how I, Pavel, also wanted to study to become a doctor in my youth, but due to the fact that I believed in My Savior Jesus Christ, I was expelled from the institute. They listened to me very carefully and at the end of this conversation I prayed for them so that they too would believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are praying for these people now.

-I visited a sick sister who was suffering greatly from her cancer. I told her about the suffering of Christ when I was on this earth, how I healed the sick who turned to Him for healing. We prayed with her for healing in the Name of Jesus Christ, and my wife Larisa fed her whole family a delicious dinner. They thanked God for this visit. We continue to pray that the Lord will heal this sister.

3.Spiritual lessons

-I am currently studying lessons from the textbook “Spiritual Gifts” and we will continue to teach them regularly until we finish all the lessons from this textbook.

-All the students liked these lessons because they were very interesting and they wanted to know more about spiritual gifts. Until now, they thought differently about these gifts of the Holy Spirit, but after studying this course they united and think the same. In the evenings they talk for a long time about Spiritual gifts and each of the students wants to know what gift they have.

4.Service in the church

-Larissa, my wife, organized a sisterhood meeting in the church in the village of Nesvoya, where all our sisters studied the Word and prayed, and also planned how to help the sick and needy from our village. We decided to help a family that really needs help. And Larisa took this help to this family. This family thanked God for hearing their prayer and for God’s answer to their prayer, Glory to God.


-We always thank God for answered prayers, for the fact that we can calmly serve those in need, for the peaceful sky in our region.

-We can do this service to the needy and preaching the Word of God among people thanks to the PIEI USA mission, which always supports us in this ministry both in its prayers and in material assistance. Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for praying for us and we were able to hold a charity event for widows and orphans this month where we were able to feed 200 orphans. Thank God for this wonderful day for these children.

-We thank God that all the missionaries of our mission were healthy and were able to serve God among people in need, among displaced people.

6.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray with us for this difficult war in Ukraine to end. We also pray for peace in the country of Israel.

-Continue to pray for our missionaries so that we can continue to serve God and preach the Word of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray for our Christian youth camp that will take place this summer in Boyany from July 22 to 27. Pray for the leadership team. We have few leaders, especially young men. There is war, and it is difficult for them to move through checkpoints. Pray for the team of brothers and sisters from the USA who will come to us during our camp. So that God protects everyone. We entrust all this ministry in the hands of our Lord. In Him is our hope and protection - All Glory to the Lord alone!

-Pray for those people to whom we preach the Word of God, so that they will repent.

-Pray that there will be no further missile attacks in our region so that we can continue to serve God calmly and peacefully.

And we pray for you dear brothers and sisters from the USA and wish you abundant blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you family Petikhachnyy Pavlo and Larysa.