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Ministry for orphans

Greetings brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God and to you brothers and sisters for your prayers and for your support, for the fact that the Lord helped me during these 2 weeks to preach the Word of God both at our evangelizations in the church and in the ministry for widows and orphans - Glory to God! Although we are still at war, the Lord gives us a peaceful sky over our Chernivtsi region and we can calmly serve God here.

1.Evangelization for Easter

On May 5, our church celebrated Easter. There was a very rich worship program and the Word of God was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. The youth also had a beautiful program - Thank God! I am grateful to the Lord that 7 people from the world came to this evangelization, 5 of whom regularly attend our church. We pray for them that the Lord will touch their hearts and that they will repent.

2.Fasting and prayer for Ukraine:

On May 8, our church spent the entire day in fasting and prayer for peace and for an end to the war in Ukraine. And also all the churches from the Chernivtsi region took up the baton of fasting and prayer from the churches from the Poltava region on May 5. One week of fasting and prayer. This is almost 10 churches a day until May 12, praying and fasting before God for an end to the war. Then other churches from other regions of our Ukraine took up the baton of fasting and prayer. May the Lord hear our prayers and help us so that this war ends!

3.Service for orphans and widows.

-We thank you for praying for us and our church was able to organize a meeting for 200 orphans from the Chernivtsi region. There were many preparations for this day. Larisa’s wife and I prepared sandwiches for breakfast, sweets, tea and coffee. A group of sisters from the church brought a delicious lunch for these children to have a delicious lunch. They brought this food from the village, cooked in a special oven. Rice cooked with homemade chicken, egg salad, oven-baked pie, as well as sweets, cookies and candies, bananas and strawberries with ice cream. The kids really enjoyed it. The orphans thanked God and us for this delicious food. They also had a Bible hour for Bible study. There were games and competitions for them, and these children were very pleased with this meeting, where they felt happy all day. Thank God for good weather and Thank God for His support and for His protection on this day. We pray for these children that the Lord will bless them and touch their hearts so that they will accept Christ in their hearts.


-We thank the Lord with all our hearts for His protection, for the fact that in our region where we live calmly and peacefully, and here we can calmly serve God among immigrants and orphans and even organize evangelization, although in another part of Ukraine our brothers and sisters by faith they do not have these opportunities due to constant bombings in their cities and villages.

-We thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For the fact that you support us in your prayers, for your material help, which helps us here to serve people in need.

5.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and Israel.

-Pray for those people who listened to the gospel message this month at our evangelizations. So that the Lord tests their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for those 200 orphans who heard the Word of God, so that they would understand that Christ loves them and only in Christ will they find happiness, peace and joy.

-Pray for our soldiers who defend Ukraine, for our volunteers who go to the front line to bring them food prepared by us here in Bukovina, where there are no missile attacks. May the Lord protect them all from all evil.

-Pray for our prisoners of war so that they will be exchanged for their prisoners of war, so that they will return to their families.

-Pray for the leadership of our country, our army, that the Lord would give them wisdom to lead and that peace would finally come to our country.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy missiles in our region where we live. The Lord is our protection and support, we rely only on Him.

-Pray for our young brother ministers. I don’t know how they will move around other churches, because after May 18, a law came into force that whoever is not registered with the military registration and enlistment office will be given a large fine. So that the Lord will protect them too.

-Pray for our Christian camps that the Lord will bless us in this ministry. And for our teenage camp in Boyany from July 22 to 27.

-For the team of brothers and sisters from the USA who will come to us on July 20 to serve in our camp. For their flight and arrival in Ukraine. So that there is a peaceful sky and that the Lord protects us all from everything bad.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA from the PIEI America mission. May the Lord richly bless you with your families, your churches and your country USA! We love you and are praying for you.

With love to you family Petikhachnyy Pavlo & Larysa.