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Regional meeting of ministers

We greet you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for helping me to perform service for His glory, although we are still in a difficult time of war. All believers from Ukraine are intensely praying and fasting so that the long-awaited peace will finally come to Ukraine and Israel. From May 5 to 10, our churches from the Chernivtsi region will fast and pray intensely for an end to the war in Ukraine and for peace. We rely only on the Lord and His mercy.

1. Regional meeting of ministers from churches in the Chernivtsi region.

We had a meeting of our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission on Saturday, the next day we had a regional meeting with ministers from churches in the Chernivtsi region. We met in Boyany, where we hold a Christian youth camp every summer. The speaker for this meeting was Dan Fedoreanu, a very good brother from Romania. All our ministers strengthened themselves spiritually, prayed and glorified our Lord.

2. Evangelism

-We carried out evangelization in the church of the village of Nesvoya in connection with the holiday of the Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. At this evangelization there were unbelievers who came to the house of prayer for the first time. They listened carefully to the Word of God. We pray for them that they will repent.

-Last week we carried out evangelization in the church in the village of Podvirnoe. Our worship team has prepared a good program to serve this church. After this evangelization, 3 people, non-believers, regularly visit this church and listen carefully to the Word of God. They said that they wanted to repent, but they wanted to know Jesus Christ more. May God help them. We pray for these people too.

3.Bible lessons

a) I continue to compose and teach Bible lessons on the topic: “Spiritual gifts.” We have reached the seventh lesson of this textbook. Very interesting lessons. We prayed that we could complete these lessons to the end. Students are very interested in them.

b) I have a group of young families and youth. They gather every week and study the Word of God, and also rehearse spiritual songs for the worship service for every Sunday. Our church rejoices and is grateful to God for young people who zealously serve God, and also grow spiritually by studying the Word of God.

c) In our church from Nesvoya, sisters gather every month and have their own worship to serve God. They study the Word of God, prayer ministry, and also plan how to help widows and orphans. At the last meeting, the sisters planned to organize a meeting with orphans and widows on May 18. They will feed 200 orphans, as well as widows. And our brothers, ministers and leaders, will teach them Bible lessons.

-This Thursday we had a meeting where we remembered Holy Thursday, when Jesus Christ gave His disciples bread and wine, remembering to them His suffering on the cross of Calvary. It was an evening when everyone tested their hearts and remembered the death and suffering of Christ. Also on the second day, Larisa and I visited one sister with cancer with Holy Communion. She was very happy that we did not forget her and she could glorify the Lord with us through this communion.


-We are very grateful to God for His mercy towards us, for the fact that we still have a peaceful sky and calm, and for the fact that despite the difficult time of war, people come to church to listen to the Word of God.

-We are grateful to the PIEI USA mission for helping us, missionaries from Ukraine, both financially and spiritually. Thank you for your prayers which greatly support us.

-We thank God that all our missionaries of our PIEI Ukraine mission are working and serving God with love and diligence in this difficult time.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray for those non-believers who regularly attend our meetings both in Nesvoya and Podvirnoe, so that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for evangelization with orphans on May 18th. So that the Lord bless both us ministers and those 200 orphans who will come to this meeting. So that there is a peaceful sky and there are no arrivals of enemy missiles.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine. We have been waiting for this world for so long and waiting for this day to come.

-Pray for our PIEI Ukraine mission camp, which is scheduled for the end of the month of July this year. May the Lord bless this service and may everything be peaceful and calm.

-On May 5 we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. There will be an evangelistic meeting where we again invited many friends to church. We pray that the Lord will bless this ministry.

-Pray for our captured soldiers to be released.

-Pray for our young ministers who find it difficult to travel through military posts to serve in other churches. So that the Lord would protect them from all evil.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and give you all health and success in your service to the Lord. May the Lord return you a hundredfold abundant blessings.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family.