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Camp "Candela" has fruits

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine.

We are very grateful to the Lord for hearing your and our prayers, and we were able to hold a very wonderful Christian youth camp Candela, Non Stop, for 5 days in Boyany.

- Glory to God for His protection and for His defense, for the fact that there were no missiles flying during the camp. We were very worried about the team from the USA who came to serve us at the camp. David Beckwith had a group where he taught. There were also 2 more teachers from us - Pavel Petikhachny and Tamara Buzdugan. There were 142 children and teenagers in the camp and 70% of them were from unbelieving families. The camp was divided into 3 groups. There were very interesting topics in each group. And thank God that 35 teenagers repented at the end of the camp. We pray for them that the Lord strengthens their faith. We will then write you their testimony in the next news.

-We thank the Lord for each leader who served in this camp as for the Lord. Praise God for having 4 translators who translated the team from the USA.

-Also brothers and sisters from the USA led by brother Cornel Stef: sister Daby Conry, family Philbrook Kristen and Stanley went every day to evangelize with glasses to churches in our area, Novoseletsky, Tarasovtsy, Kotileve, Dinivtsi and Rokytne, where Dr. Debbie checked people's eyesight and distributed glasses to them. And brother Cornel and family Philbrook Kristen and Stanley were spiritual consultants. Praise God, and 25 people repented during this evangelization. We pray for them too.

-On July 29, this team from the USA of 5 people is leaving for Romania, and then to the USA. We are very grateful to God for each brother and sister from this team, for their service to God among our people. We pray for them and entrust them into the hands of the Almighty God.

- We are grateful to everyone who prayed for us and for our ministry in this camp.

- We thank all those from the USA who helped us with money so that this camp could take place. May the Lord return hundredfold blessings to everyone.

Prayer requests:

- Pray that the Team from the USA return safely to the USA, to their homes.

- Pray for those people who repented in our camp, 35 teenagers, as well as for those people who repented at evangelism with glasses, 25 women and men.

- Pray that the war in Ukraine will end for us, so that we can work fruitfully evangelizing the Gospel among people everywhere.

- Pray for our leaders and ministers of churches, that the Lord will give them wisdom from above for the ministry in the Gospel.

And we always pray for you - our partners in evangelism from the USA and wish you abundant blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel and Larysa family.