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Missiology class

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine. And once again we want to greet you on Easter: Christ is Risen! Christ has truly risen!

We are grateful to God for the fact that He still protects us and in this difficult time of war in our Ukraine, He helps us in our ministry and gives us, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, success in the gospel.

1. As I wrote in the previous report, from March 4-14 I taught at the Theological Institute, to 4th year students, a Missiology class, that is, how to evangelize non-believers. In order to engage in missionary work, first of all, we must have a devoted heart to God, so that we can love those people whom we want to evangelize and then they will accept our testimony and other Truths of God. Thank you for praying for me. Our students learned these lessons well.

2. This month I visited almost all the churches from the Novoseletsky district and distributed seeds to each member of the church so that they could sow their fields.

To get to these churches I drove through many military posts where the military checks documents and the trunk of a car. It takes a lot of patience, faith and prayer.

Even in the village of Podvirnoye, when I was going to the breaking of bread, there were 3 military checkpoints where everyone was checked. This is probably due to the fact that this village is on the border with Moldova. The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for God's servants to travel to serve God in such villages. But we pray for this village too. There are people there who are waiting for us and want to listen to the Word of God.

3. We had one funeral. We buried one sister who was a member of our church. I preached the Word of God on the subject of the afterlife. After this sermon, people came to me with questions, I was very glad that these people had such interesting questions, and after which I answered their questions, I invited them to the house of prayer, where we regularly study the Word of God. And they will be able to learn more and more about the afterlife and about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

4. In our church from Nesvoya, I taught from the book of Ephesians. All our church members studied the Word of God very diligently. We wanted to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ. What can I do to make her grow as a member of the church and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ?


-I am very grateful to God and to you brothers and sisters from the USA for your prayers and the support we have from you in this difficult time. Thank you for praying for me and my family. We feel your prayers, Thank God!

-We thank God that no missiles have yet arrived in our Chernivtsi region. And we can work in the Lord’s Field quietly and peacefully.

-We are grateful to God that many people visit the churches of our missionaries and have the opportunity to hear the Word of God. We pray for them and for their repentance.

6.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray, dear brothers and sisters, that this war will end in both Ukraine and Israel. Very difficult times have come. I really want to hear when we get up in the morning: “The war is over, thank God!” But we do not know the will of the Lord. God give us patience and we believe that only God can deliver us from this bloody war. The main thing is that we, the Church of Christ, are ready to meet our Bridegroom Jesus Christ! Rev. 22:20 - He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

-Continue to pray for our missionaries who go to serve in our churches from villages where they are surrounded by military posts. Especially our young brothers. It is very difficult for them to go to services. Pray that the Lord will protect our brothers from all evil.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of enemy bombs and missiles in our region.

-Pray for our prisoners of war that they will be returned home.

-So that God preserves the lives of our soldiers who defend Ukraine.

-Pray for our volunteer brothers who bring food, clothing and shoes to soldiers on the front line. So that the Lord would preserve them from all misfortune.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA. And we wish you with all our hearts that the Lord bless you with health, peace, success, much joy and happiness in Christ Jesus. May the Lord richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family Pavel and Larisa.