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Planning mission for the summer


15th of March there was the meeting of the missionaries of PIEI Ukraine at “Emanuel” church in Novoselitsa town. Every of missionaries had an opportunity of making the report of his ministry for three months of this year. Also, we had the planning mission of PIEI Ukraine for the summer of the 2019 year. There are going to be conducted such events: Massive evangelizations, Children Christian camps, Youth Christian camp (Non-Stop), which is planned for from July 29 till August 3. We prayed together about all these ministries, that God blessed us on these events and the name of the Lord would have gloried.

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (Jn.15:5)

We are nothing without Him. So, we rely on His power and grace.

Please, pray for us and these ministries.


P. Petihachny

Evangelism from house to house

In February I held the Communion in three churches: in Nesvoia, Zhilovka and the First Church in Chernovtsy. I also visited the sick members of those churches who are bound to bed and cannot attend the church services. I shared the Communion with them and held mini-evangelisms in their homes at which lots of their unsaved relatives were present. After the evangelisms the relatives asked me lots of questions concerning the faith in God and I praise the Lord that two people accepted the Lord in the end.

I and my wife visited many churches in our district and held meetings for ladies. At each of the meetings they prayed for the missionary work in our country. We hope for a spiritual awakening in our churches after the ladies’ prayers. 

I was invited to preach at a pastor’s funeral in a neighboring village, called Kotileu. A lot of listeners came to the funeral and could hear the Gospel. We pray for each person who heard the Word of God o be touched by the Holy Spirit.

In March we are planning to visit an orphanage in the outskirts of Cherivtsy called Sadgora. We wished to do this ministry last month but all the institutions in our region were closed on quarantine for three weeks due to the flu in the region. Please pray for this ministry in March.

Pray for me to be able to teach from March 4th to March 14th at the Bible Institute the Scripture: heavy Texts in the Bible. It is a very important session and it should be taught very well. 

Upcoming Elections

Thank you for your prayers and for the financial help that is of great help to me in the Lord’s ministry. Pray for Ukraine, for the election of the new president in Ukraine that will be on March 31th, that the Lord will put on people’s heart to choose a president with the fear of God, full of God’s wisdom and to be a man according to the heart of God. We hope that the Lord will work in a wonderful way in this case. 

Receive lots of greetings from my family. Be blessed! 

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny