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Outreach and the Word

Fr.Pavel dupa evanghelizarea din Jilovca.jpg

In October we held an outreach in a village from our area, Podvirna. We praise God that a lot of unsaved people came to hear the Gospel at this event. After the evangelism I talked to a part of the people and they expressed their desire to study the Bible and learn about Jesus more deeply. I promised to start teaching them the Gospel of John.  

Also, this month I preached at an outreach in Malinaest, another village in our area. Again, a lot of unsaved people came to hear the Gospel. I was told that after the evangelism three young girls started to attend the local church. Please pray for them to repent. 

I keep teaching the book of Revelation in our church. I’ve got three more lessons until the end of this amazing study. As a result of this study more unsaved people from our community, who want to know about the signs of the end of the world, started to come regularly to church. 

Students of God’s Word

Sesiunea la Institutul Biblic.JPG

Next month I am going to start a new Bible study with the young families of our church. I am preparing for this ministry and pray for God to give me health and strength. Now I am looking for enough books for the study. This is the reason for which I haven’t chosen a topic for study yet. It depends on what books I will find. I am glad that the youth is eager to study the Word of God. The time is perfect as the work in the village fields is almost done and in wither people have more free time. 

This month I received the entrance exams from the student who want to study in year 1 at the Theological institute. 18 new students passed the exam, one of whom is from our church. I pray for God to help them in the study. 

 Our ladies at church are preparing for a regional conference that will be on November 10. The ladies in our region will report the whole ministry done during the 2018 among the women in their church.  

Thank you for your prayer and financial support. We pray for you. Last month we prayed a lot for brother Bill Dornbos who passed through rough times, having a heart surgery. We were glad to hear that everything turned well, and God worked wonderfully through the doctors’ hands. May God bless this family with health and His mercy! My family is sending you warm greetings. Be blessed!

Love, Larisa and Pavel Petihachny