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Churches in Need


At the beginning of September I visited the church of a village in our area called Zhilovka and led Communion. The church in that village is very small and there are not any workers there; they don’t even have a pastor. We pray that God sends workers there who will be able to work for His Kingdom. I am glad that on that Sunday an old lady accepted the Lord and the previous Sunday a person received baptism there. In this way God has mercy and the Holy Spirit is at work.

In Nesvoia we come to the end of the Bible Study on Revelation. Some of the church members expressed their desire to continue our Bible study on the book of Daniel. I pray that the Lord gives me health and wisdom so that I can teach the church, the youth and the students at the theological Seminary. 

 I and my wife attended Slavic Paskar and Tania’s wedding, brother Alex Paskar’s son. I preached at their wedding. May the Lord bless this family to be a blessing for people surrounding them!

Thanksgiving Festival

On September 23 our youth went to Kiev, where they joined other youth from all over Ukraine to the Thanksgiving Festival which took place on the main square of our capital. There were thousands of people at the festival and there were programs for all age groups. We pray for all people who heard the Gospel on that day to repent. 

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On the last Sunday of the month our church celebrated Thanksgiving. We thanked the Lord for all His blessings this year, for the eight people who were baptized as well for the amazing harvest. We prayed for peace in Ukraine and asked God to give us kind hearts, so we could help our brothers and sisters from the war area. 

We are helping financially a young lady called Tatiana, sick of cancer and who receives chemotherapy. We pray for her and for her husband who is not Christian and whose name is Adic. Please pray for Tatiana. She has recently repented, and she believes that God can heal her. 

Thank you for supporting us financially and spiritually in our ministry. We love you and pray for you. May the Lord reward your sacrifice!

Love, Pavel and Larissa Petihachny