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Working With Our American Brothers

La intalnirea misionarilor misiunii PIEI UKR.la Tarasauti..jpg

In August God helped us to successfully organize the PIEI youth camp that started on July 30 and lasted 5 days. We thank God for everybody who sponsored us and prayed for us. We also thank all the teachers who taught Apologetics at camp and we are grateful to all the leaders who dedicated themselves to God’s ministry at camp. We rejoiced for the 60 youths who were touched by the Holy Spirit during the camp and decided to follow Jesus. We pray for them to be strong and be good followers of Jesus. 

On August 5th we had two more visitors from Michigan, USA: brothers Robert Cook and Charles Walker. We enjoyed their precious presence among us. They visited two churches in our district, Nesvoia and Rakitna, where they had a speech each and brought warm greetings from their families, Grace spring church and from sister Anita Ollile. They all support us in the ministry. May the Lord reward you the sacrifice you do for Ukraine!

Later, on the same day we showed our dear guests the place where we held the camp. They rejoiced with us for the youth who accepted the Lord. Sister Gabi Stef accompanied them and translated for them. We pray for her to be healthy. She always helps us in the ministry. 

The next day on August 6th, brothers Rob and Charlie had an interview about Christianity in modern America on a Christian Radio in Chernovtsy, and in the afternoon they met all the PIEI missionaries and spent a wonderful time together. The next morning our guests flew to Kiev and then to Chicago. We thank the Lord for keeping safe brothers Rob and Charlie as well the whole American team who served at camp. Thank you for praying for this great event that finished well.  

God’s work in Educational Leadership

At the end of the month our church had a great holiday – the baptism of 8 people who decided to testify their faith through baptism. Among them 5 youths accepted the Lord at the PIEI camp. This event was a great joy for the whole church. Also among the candidates to baptism was the school principle, sister Aurika. Her husband who is not Christian yet came to watch her and greeted her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Also the former school principle, Sister Eugenia, recited for her a poem and wished her patience and wisdom in her job at school. Thank you for praying for this event. Please pray for Igor, Aurika’s husband to repent and thus to be a beautiful couple with Jesus Christ. 

No less important this month for our family was the wedding of our daughter Angela and her husband Mihai on August 18. We pray for them to be blessed and to stay near to God during their journey as a couple. We wish them patience and wisdom from God. 

Thank you for supporting us in our ministry. May the Lord reward you and bless you! Our family is sending you greetings and thanks, as well all the youth from the camp. Pavel Petihachny