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Christ's Vineyard

In December I was invited by Alex Pascar’s children, Alina and Anatol, to hold their fourth baby dedication whose name is Matio. The church asked the Lord to bless the baby and to protect him in the future. 

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I held Communion in two churches: in Nesvoia, where I am pastor and in Zhilovka, a small village from Novoselitsa district. In both villages I had to visit the sick members of the church and share Communion with them too. As a result of the home evangelisms we have three more attendants at our church. We pray for them to repent. 

On December 3rd 2018 we had the annual meeting of the PIEI missionaries Ukraine. Each missionary reported their work in Christ’s vineyard during 2018. We also scheduled our PIEI ministry for the 2019. We prayed for peace in Ukraine, to be able to work fearless and free. 

We are meeting with the orphan children from Chernauts area on January 12, 2019. We will prepare 300 gifts and delicious food for them. We will feed them twice on that day, in the morning and in the afternoon. Please, pray for this event. 

At the end of January, we planned to visit the orphanage in Sadagura that is on the outskirts of Chernauts. There are 200 children in the orphanage. We will bring them different school supplies, fruit, candy and other gifts. 

Thank you for the financial support. Thank you for praying a lot for the ministry in Ukraine. Please, keep praying for us, our ministry and the peace in our country. May the Lord bless you and reward you hundredfold for your sacrifice! 

Best regards, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny