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Evangelism in Novoselitsa

In June I participated at the organization of a mega evangelism that was held in the sports stadium in Novoselitsa. A lot of unsaved people attended the evangelism and went in front to repent at the end of the service. 
In Nesvoia we are getting prepared for a New Testimonial Baptism. I teach discipleship to the candidates for Baptism. Two of the candidates repented in the PIEI youth camp last summer. We praise the Lord for them and pray for them. 

Pray for Camp

We worked on preparing the PIEI youth camp, meeting with the leaders and working out the schedule of the camp. We pray for the American team and believe that God will keep us in His almighty hand. Please, pray for this ministry:
-     that more young people who don't know the Lord will be touched by the Holy Spirit and open their hearts for repentance
-    for God's blessings on the teachers, interpreters and leaders. May the Lord's wisdom and fear be with us always during the camp
-    For God's protection over the campers
-    For God's protection and guidance of the Romanian and American team. 
-    Please pray for us, the organizers of this camp Pavel and Larisa Petihachny, to have health, guidance and wisdom from God to do our best in this ministry.
Thank you for prayer and financial support. Please pray for the missionary work and peace in Ukraine.

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny