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Apologetic Conference

The most important works in May were the Apologetic Conferences: one with regional pastors and another with the youth from Chernovtsy region. The conferences were very useful for everybody. We felt God's hand touching the people's hearts at the conference. Many pastors asked me to give them the wonderful lessons taught by Dr. Terry Monterson at the conference in order to share them in their local churches. 
Besides the conferences at church with Pastors and the youth, Dr. Terry Monterson spoke to the students at the National University in Chernovtsy, had a live radio talk, and appeared live on a Christian TV program. 

Women's Fellowship

The ladies enjoyed two fruitful meetings, one in Nesvoia and another in Chernovtsy,  where sister Gabriela Stef shared precious Bible thoughts with our ladies. They prayed for all missionary work worldwide and for peace in Ukraine. We were honored to have sister Margie Mortenson at the ladies' meetings where everybody had great fellowship around the Word of God. May God bless each lady! We praise the Lord for this wonderful work and thank you for your prayer support in this ministry. 
We pray for God's guidance in the ministry that we are going to have this summer in the PIEI youth camp. We believe and know that God will work in a wonderful way that more teenagers would accept the Lord in their hearts. We are working on the leadership team, getting together, praying, and working on the schedule of the camp. We ask the Lord to help us in this ministry. 

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny