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Music and Evangelism

In April we had two mega-evangelisms in the villages of Nesvoia and Balkauts with the participation of a group of singers from Arad, Romania. Lots of unsaved people who attended the outreaches purchased the singers' CDs  because they liked the songs. I met many people who ask me lots of questions about Jesus and the Bible. Some of them started to come to our church regularly. We pray for all of them. 

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    In April I taught a session at the Seminary in Chernauts, the topic of which was called "How to plan our time efficiently".  In that session I demonstrated to the students how they could plan their time more efficiently for the ministry so that they would be in control of their time, not somebody else.
    I taught the church in Nesvoia chapter 3 from the Book of Revelation. I demonstrated to the members of the church the connectivity between the events from chapters 4 and 22. 

Easter in Romania
    We celebrated the Resurrection with the whole church. The youth, the choir and the children of the church had special programs on that occasion. We had lots of unsaved guests at the services. We pray for all the unsaved guests who attend our services to repent. 
    We also pray for the Apologetic conference with the participation of Dr. Terry Mortenson which is to be in May. I still need to organize lots of things. Pray for me and our team to do our work efficiently and be successful on this event.

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny