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Encouraging the Missionaries

In March I started my ministry by teaching the students at the Theological Seminary in Chernovtsy the Doctrine of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We have studied further the doctrine of Jesus Christ. After the study all the students were convinced that Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the One and that He is the only true God. I'm planning to teach further the students about the Holy Spirit next month. Please pray for the students to become true workers in the field of God's ministry.  The aim of the Seminary students this year is to teach the book of Acts to other people and to live the teachings that are given in the book. In this way they are practicing to make true disciples for God's kingdom.

I taught the book of Revelation to the church I run. I hope to finish it by the end of April. Besides the Study I usually prepare, I taught extra lessons on some specific topics from the Book at the request of some listeners with the purpose to teach them to understand well the things that they saw, are in the present and will come after. (Revelation 1:19)

On March 16 the PIEI missionaries attended the funeral of our brother in Christ, and our former PIEI missionary, Motrescu Ion from the village Chudey, a village in Chernovtsy region. A lot of friends and villagers attended his funeral. I counted about 500 people. We expressed our condolences from the mission PIEI. The funeral service was like an outreach to the villagers from Chudey. We pray for blessings of the Word that was spoken out. 

I visited all the PIEI missionaries encouraging them and praying for them, their families and the mission they do. I gave them the gifts you sent us for Christmas; we got them not long ago. All the missionaries thank you for all the goods, medicine and candy. The children enjoyed the candy very much. May the Lord bless you for your sacrifice you do for us! Thank you for prayer and financial support. Our families and churches pray for you. We also pray for the apologetic conference that is to be on May 11-12, lead by Terry Monterson. We pray for God's protection on the American team and we believe that our Lord will help us in all our work. 

Our family is sending you lots of greetings.
Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny