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February 2018

In February I taught a two week session at the Theological institute in Chernovtsy and the topic was “The Growth of the Church”. The study was based on the books of Acts and Philippians. We pray for the students to grow to be true disciples worthy of the ministry that God has called them to do. 
Also this month I went to Kiev, and brought the necessary literature for the conference with Tony Morrison that is to be in May in Chernovtsy. It was very frosty, around 21 degrees below 0 and the roads were deep in snow, but we were able to get home safe.   
I held the Communion in two churches, Balkauts and Nesvoia. I also visited the sick people of the church, sharing Communion with them and preaching the Gospel to their relatives who care for them and who are not believers yet. We invited them to church.
I visited four churches in Novoselitsa district: Novoselitsa, Mamaliga Malinesht and Dolzhok. There I preached the Gospel and spoke with everyone eager to have fellowship.
Thank you for your prayer and financial support. 
Prayer requests:
    Please, pray for Ukraine and its leaders. Especially pray for Poroshenko, the president, to get wisdom from God and stop the war in the eastern part of Ukraine.
    Thank you for praying for my brother Mihai. He is better, praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for our niece Tatiana Bodian who is still under intensive care with pneumonia. She is a little better but very weak and her lungs need regeneration. We trust our Lord for healing. 
    Pray for the Conference with Tony Morrison scheduled on May 11 and 12, 2018. Pray for Mr. Terry, for Vladimir the interpreter, and for the American team who will come to Ukraine. Pray for peace, health and God’s guidance in this project. Pray for all the people who will attend the conference. 
Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny