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January 2018

In January we organized a meeting with a special service for orphans at the Christian Centre in Chernovtsy. Around 300 orphans and their educators came to the meeting. In the morning we fed them with sandwiches and divided them into small groups. They studied the Bible until noon and then had lunch. After lunch we gave each child a present and everybody went out to sled and play in the snow. We organized different Bible contests for them and gave them prizes. Both the children and our team had a great and blessed time. The children returned to the orphanages happy and satisfied. We are glad that those children understood that Jesus is their protector and Father because they thanked us and Jesus. We pray for each child to be blessed and touched by the Holy Spirit. We praise the Lord for His guidance and help.

Also in January I reported my annual ministry work to other Romanian pastors from the Chernovtsy region.  A team of young men, among which was Alex Paskar’s son, Slavik, went to Avdeevka, a town that is 30 km away from Donetsk, the war area and helped the people in need. They brought food, clothes and other supplies and left them in the church building of that town. People are lacking in food there so they come to church to get food and at the same time they can hear the Gospel. We pray for those people to receive spiritual healing as well. We also pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are working in that area. It is high time to share the Gospel in that part of Ukraine because people there have departed from God and they need Jesus in their lives. Let us pray for the Ukrainian people from the war zone to repent and accept Jesus as their Savior.

At Christmas in Nesvoia we held outreaches and the youth went caroling in the village. We are glad that 8 people have come regularly to church since then. We pray for them to repent.

These are our prayer requests:

-Please, pray for Larisa’s nephew, Vitaly Bodyan  and his wife Tatiana. They have got a baby of 7 months and Tatiana has serious problems with lungs that is why she is in hospital at intensive care.

- Please, pray for repentance of this family and for Tatiana’s health, as the baby needs his mommy.

- Pray for God’s word that is preached in the war area to penetrate people’s lives.

- For Pavel Petihachny’s protection in a new trip to the war zone. He will bring some supplies for people there.  

-Pray for the end of the war and for peace in Ukraine. Oh Lord, please, listen to the prayers of your people!

Thank you for praying for me and for your financial support. Our family is sending you lots of warm greetings. Be blessed.

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny