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December 2017

In December I taught at the Theological Institute on the book of Acts. I showed the students the apostles’ strategy on planting churches. After 2 weeks of theory at the Institute, the students were sent to villages where there are no churches to practice what they had learned. We pray for them to have success in their work. 

Also in December I reported my annual ministry work to other pastors from the Chernovtsy region. I informed them how many people accepted the Lord and received baptism during the year 2017. I told them about the charity aid that was given to the people in need from Luhansk and Donetsk, the war regions, about the help given to the orphans in Chernovtsy region and about other works that were done during the 2017.

On the last Sunday of December I finished teaching a Bible study from Revelation to the church in Nesvoia. The last topic of the study was called “When the old earth and the sky will be cleansed, a new earth and a new heaven will be forever where righteousness will prevail”.

The PIEI missionaries had the annual meeting and I reported to them the ministry that the PIEI mission Ukraine has done during the 2017.  I also visited the families of all PIEI missionaries and learned better their needs. 

The youth and the children of our church did preparations for the winter evangelisms that are going to be in our church during Christmas and New Year. The youth also plan to go caroling to people’s houses in the village. We pray for the people who will hear the Gospel and for the evangelisms.

Also in January our church is going to organize an event called “Christmas for orphans”. We are making preparations for this event. Please pray for this event and for us to be able to organize this event for the orphans of our region, and that the orphans who will come to this event to find peace and God’s love in their hearts. 

Thank you for supporting us in the ministry. All the PIEI missionaries in Ukraine and all the PIEI workers in Ukraine thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave us at Christmas. May the Lord bless you! 

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny