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November 2017

In November our team that is working in the orphanages of our region, preached in one of the orphanages in Chernivtsy, where 200 children could hear the Gospel. Furthermore we are preparing Christmas gifts and food for those children. They are waiting anxiously for Christmas to get the presents.

Besides in November I taught the book of Revelation to Nesvoia church. I related this book to other books from the Bible, such as Mathew 24, Luke 21, 2 Thessalonians and Daniel 7 and 9. Many unsaved people that are interested in the end of the earth attended the study. I hope that after the study most of them will accept the Lord in their hearts. There are already four people who come regularly to church. Let us pray for Mikhail George, the former village mayor, Aurica, the school principle and Artur, a neighbor of our church building. They are middle aged but still can’t decide themselves for Jesus.

I gave my annual report of the ministry I did this year, at a regional pastoral meeting in Chernovtsy. The pastors were glad to hear the ministry I did in the orphanages and with the refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk, the war area. In December I’m going to the war area to help the people who lost their houses in the war. Please, pray for me and the ministry I will do there.

Thank you for supporting us in such difficult for us. My family is sending you greetings and wishes you Merry Christmas. May the Lord bless you! We love you and pray for you.

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny