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October 2017

In October God helped me to teach the book of Revelation to the members of Nesvoia church. Many unsaved people from the village come to church to study with us this beautiful book because they want to know what the end of the world will be. We pray the Lord to give to speak to their hearts through these Bible studies. 

There was a great evangelism in Rakitna village with the participation of some doctors-volunteers from Kiev. Besides medical care and drugs people got spiritual conciliation from pastors. I was one of the pastors who shared the Gospel to a lot of unsaved people from that village. Let the Lord work in the hearts of those people who heard the Gospel and bring them to repentance. 

In Nesvoia church we held a youth meeting where 86 youth from the neighboring villages had the opportunity to hear a lecture called “Pray and be vigilant continually”. At the end of the lesson there was a Bible contest on the same topic and the winners got presents. 

The sisters from Chernauts area attended a conference on the topic “How to have a Godly disposition”. They learned a lot of examples of women in the Bible who obeyed God’s will. Obedience to God brings a lot of blessings in our lives. Around 600 women attended the conference and were encouraged by His Word. They also prayed for the end of the war in our country and for the missionaries all over the world. 

I held two evangelisms in a little village called Zhilovka. The first outreach was held in the village club and the second one in the open air. Around 100 of unsaved people attended the second evangelism. The aim of the evangelisms was to enlarge God’s kingdom in that village, as there are just a few Christians there. 

I visited the sick people of the church in Chernauts and the PIEI missionaries to learn their problems and help them better. I assisted at brother Paskari’s grandson baby dedication in Ginauts. Brother Pascar’s children, Alina and Abraham named their baby son Alex, in honor to his grandfather. May the Lord bless this young family! 

Best regards, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny