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Planning mission for the summer


15th of March there was the meeting of the missionaries of PIEI Ukraine at “Emanuel” church in Novoselitsa town. Every of missionaries had an opportunity of making the report of his ministry for three months of this year. Also, we had the planning mission of PIEI Ukraine for the summer of the 2019 year. There are going to be conducted such events: Massive evangelizations, Children Christian camps, Youth Christian camp (Non-Stop), which is planned for from July 29 till August 3. We prayed together about all these ministries, that God blessed us on these events and the name of the Lord would have gloried.

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (Jn.15:5)

We are nothing without Him. So, we rely on His power and grace.

Please, pray for us and these ministries.


P. Petihachny