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November 2016

In November we held an outreach at an orphanage that is in Hotyn, a town in Chernovtsy region. There are 350 children there. Each of them was given sweets, juice, and fruit. Besides, we gave them warm socks and winter clothes. We provided them with food such as rice, beans, pasta, potatoes, vegetable oil, canned meat and cabbage and so on.

About Pavel Petihachny

About Pavel Petihachny

My name is Pavel Petihacinai.  I grew up in a non-Christian communist family during the Soviet Union occupation of Ukraine.  However, when I went to high school there were students, classmates who were believers, and they had good influence over me.  Shortly after finishing school I accepted the Lord as my Savior, and went on to medical school.

September 2016

I and my wife visited an old lady of 87 years old whose name is Alexandra and who lives in a nursing home. We’ve known her for a long time, and many times we told her that she needed Jesus, but she always rejected our words...