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October 2016

In October we had a charity event with outreach at an orphanage of 200 children from Sadagura, a suburb of Chernovtsy. We provided the orphans with notebooks, pens and all necessary school goods. We also gave the children cakes, sweets, juice and fruit, bananas and mandarins. After preaching the Gospel five children decided to accept Jesus in their hearts. The director of the orphanage sent warm greetings to the American team who visited them two years ago. 

Also this month I and a brother sent goods raised by our churches to people in need from the war area and who had lost their homes, children and parents. Thank you for your financial support, so we can help the other people in need from our country. 

The choir director of the church I lead passed away at the age of 58. He was Larisa’s brother. He had an accident with the truck he was driving. We still don’t understand the reason why he has died, but we believe that God wanted to take him Home. Our heart is broken. Anatoly and my wife Larisa were deeply involved in various ministries.  Now the church has lost their choir director, parents their son, three sisters lost their brother, a wife lost a husband and three children lost their father. Around 1000 people were with us at the funeral. They had the possibility to hear the Gospel. We pray that the Good seed brings fruit of repentance.

Thank you for financial support and for your prayers about the ministry in Ukraine.  We love you and pray for you.


Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny