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December 2016

In December the most important ministry was our visit of the orphanage in Snyatin, a town in Ivano-Frankovsk region that is 80 km. away from Chernovtsy. My daughter Angela led the Christmas program presented to the kids. We gave presents to 300 orphans there. Our visit was a blessing to them. The staff of the orphanage told us that it was a long time since they haven’t received any help. So they invited us to visit them more often. 

A sister in Christ from Nesvoia, who accepted the Lord in summer wanted to get baptized; so on December 4th she received baptism at brother Pastushak’s church, in Chernovtsy. We pray for her because her husband and daughter are not repented. May the Lord strengthen her and give her health because she was very sick and even now her health is not in good condition. 

We held an outreach in a village called Starchea that is 35 km. away from Chernovtsy. At the beginning of the service there were a few listeners, because it was snowing hard and it was cold. But after 20 minutes the room was full and around 100 people gathered to listen to the Gospel.

In December I taught the 4th course students at the seminary in Chernovtsy. I taught them Ephesians. After the course many students decided to write their thesis on this book. I am glad for their decision.

Our youth and children are preparing for going caroling on January 7th in two villages: Nesvoia and Podvirne. We prepared invitations to church and calendars for every house we will be caroling. We pray for this ministry. 

Thank you for your financial support and for your prayers. We love you and pray for you.

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny