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November 2016

In November we held an outreach at an orphanage that is in Hotyn, a town in Chernovtsy region. There are 350 children there. Each of them was given sweets, juice, and fruit. Besides, we gave them warm socks and winter clothes. We provided them with food such as rice, beans, pasta, potatoes, vegetable oil, canned meat and cabbage and so on. The directors of the orphanage were grateful to us and to the American brothers and sisters for the great Christmas gifts. At the end of our meeting at the orphanage, there were 10 children willing to accept Jesus as their Savior.

 At the beginning of the month our sisters joined in prayer with other sisters in the world for missionaries and God’s ministry all over the world. Later all the sisters in Chernovtsy region gathered together and had a time of prayer and a Bible study. There were around 1000 ladies from the entire region.

I ordained a young brother as a pastor in a small village, Costicheni, from Novoselitsa district. May the Lord bless Him in this important ministry! There was a great evangelism with that occasion too. 

In Nesvoia church we are doing preparations for a new testimonial baptism that will be in December. Three people are willing to enter into a covenant with the Lord through baptism.

Thank you for supporting us and for the condolences you told us for my wife’s brother’s death. Thank you for praying for us and encouraging us with the Word of God. We hope to meet each other one day in heaven. 

Thank you for the financial support and for your prayers for the ministry in Ukraine. My family is sending you warm greetings and is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We pray for you to be blessed. 

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny