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April 2017

In April I had a favorable time to share the Gospel to the unsaved people. At the beginning of the month I taught Homiletics at the Seminary in Chernauts, where I taught the students how to prepare a lesson or a sermon. At the beginning of the course the students had no idea how to make a sermon, but ten days later they could easily do that. Please pray for these students to become good workers on the Gospel field. 

Also in April we organized an outreach in a village, Zhilovka, where there are a few believers. There came a lot of unsaved people to church and heard the Gospel. At the end of the outreach there were many who wished to come to church again. The pastor of this church is young and needs our support so that many would hear the Gospel and come to repentance in this village.

At Easter we organized an outreach in Nesvoia church where there came a lot of visitors to hear the Gospel. Our youth and the choir had a special Easter program of songs and poetry. 

All PIEI missionaries from Ukraine were invited to Romania at a PIEI conference organized by our Romanian brothers in Alba Iulia. We enjoyed the fellowship with our Romanian and American brothers and listened to a lecture about evolution and creationism. We have learned a lot of interesting facts that we didn’t know before. Please pray for our ministry in Ukraine. Also pray for the PIEI youth camp that we are going to organize in July - August this summer. Let the Lord find those young hearts that indeed need a transformation and Jesus in their hearts. Pray for the American’s and leaders’ teams that will be involved in this work. Pray for God’s protection during the camp, because in Ukraine there is still no peace, but we thank the Lord for we are guarded by his great power.

Love, Pavel and Larissa Petihachny