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May 2017

In May I taught a session to 15 students at the Theological Seminary in Chernauts. The students want to become Sunday school teachers so I taught them how to teach the Bible to the youth and children. After the session they went in their local churches to practice what they had learned at the Seminary. Pray for them to become good Bible teachers. 

Also this month we organized an outreach in Zhilovka, a village that is 50 kilometers from Chernauts. There are a few believers in that village and a lot of listeners came to hear the Word of God. After the outreach three people started to come regularly to the local church. Please pray for them to repent. 

In May I contributed at the organization of the second Congress of the Romanian churches that will be in Chernauts on June 3 and 4. Besides all Romanian churches in my district I invited the authorities of the Novoselitsa district. They accepted my invitation with pleasure. We work with brothers on the program of the congress to make it after God’s heart and favorable to spread the Gospel. 

With the camp leaders we get together for prayer and planning the program for the PIEI camp that will be in August. We believe that God will help us in this ministry. 

Thank you for your financial and prayer support so we can spread the Gospel in our country, despite of war. Please pray for peace in Ukraine, especially for the two provinces that are under the Russian aggression, Luhansk and Donetsk. We trust in our Lord and believe that He will give us victory. 

Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny