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June 2017

In June God has helped me to organize a mega outreach on the sports stadium in Novoselitsa. A lot of non-believers came to listen to the Word of God. At the end of the service eleven people accepted the Lord in their hearts. Please pray for them to be strengthened in their faith and to become members of Christ’s church.

I helped at the organization of the Congress of the Romanian churches in Ukraine. Many representatives of all churches from Ukraine came to the Congress. One of the important issues touched at the congress was the evangelization and foundation of new churches in Romanian villages where there are still no churches.

I taught a Bible study to the church in Nesvoia from the epistle of Ephesians on ‘How it is when you are filled with the Holy Spirit’.

With the leaders we meet to plan the schedule of the PIEI camp that is in July – August. We pray for God’s protection and blessings on the American team and on the camp. We believe that God will be with us in this ministry. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

We love you and pray for you. Thank you for standing with us in such a difficult time for our country and helping us in the ministry. May the Lord bless you and reward you abundantly!

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny