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March 2017

At the beginning of the March all the sisters of the Evangelical churches in our province joined the International Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Lord’s ministry in the world. We also studied the Word of God on that day. 

Also in March we provided the orphanage in Chernautsi with food and gifts. Besides we taught the orphans a Bible lessons during our visit. There were 40 teenagers and kids at the orphanage waiting for Christian families to adopt them.

We also provided with food for a month two Christian families who each adopted 10 kids from the orphanage. We also gave them all gifts. At the end they thanked us and asked us not to forget about them; they wish to keep in touch with us.

I taught a course about ‘How to be a good mentor’, at the Theological Seminary in Chernautsi. This summer the students will write a paper on the topic ‘How I became a good mentor after God’s heart, studying at the Seminary’. 

I organized two outreaches in Zhilovka, a little village in Novoselitsa district. The purpose was to grow the spiritual state of the church as well to raise a new young pastor in that church. 

I led a Bible study in Nesvoia church from the book of Acts, where I taught the members of the church how to raise new disciples for the Kingdom of God. 

On March 26th we had a celebration in our family – the dedication of our grandson Mark, Andrei and Rebecca’s son. We wish God’s blessings on Mark to grow healthy, faithful and obedient to his parents and God. May the Lord give him wisdom!

Thank you for your financial and prayer support. The power of your prayers accompanies us every day in the ministry. Keep praying for our country, for the end of the war in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. We believe that God is almighty and He will answer our prayers. We love you and pray for you all who are our partners in the ministry. Be blessed!

Love, Pavel and Larisa Pateihachny