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February 2017

I praise the Lord for helping me to teach the book of Daniel to the youth from Novoselitsa district at a youth meeting that was in Marshentsa church this month. There were 65 young people at the youth meeting, eager to study the Word of God. At the end of the meeting I received a lot of questions concerning the study.  

A brother Venia confessed, “I understood that I have to avoid boasting and walk with God in obedience and He will be raised up as Daniel was. My prayer is always to walk in truth before God.”  

With the teacher’s team we taught Christian ethics to the children from an orphanage in a town called Hotyn that is 50 kilometers from Chernovtsy. At the end we gave them a lot of sweets. We praise the Lord for working so wonderfully with those children. 

In Nesvoia church I did a Bible study from the book of Ephesians. I focused the church how can grow after the model of Jesus Christ. 

All the Baptist churches joined the Pentecostal churches from Novoselitsa district and organized a great evangelism in the town hall in Novoselitsa. There were a lot of unsaved listeners for whom we pray.

I preached at a funeral in Nesvoia. The husband of a member of our church passed away. He wasn’t saved but I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to 150 unsaved people. There were a lot of his colleagues, who heard the Gospel. We pray for all of those who heard the Gospel. Some of them resisted the Word of God but we believe that God works in a wonderful way and can touch and melt any stony heart. 

Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny